Creating Motherhood with Affirmations

Harnessing the Power of Daily Practice

Riane Tyler
The Orange Journal
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Hillshire Farm on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard about affirmations before — those positive statements we say to ourselves to boost our mood and shift our mindset. As a new Mom of a toddler under two, expecting my second bean, being single throughout my pregnancy, and being an entrepreneur, using affirmations has been a game-changer for me.

The Effect

You can find affirmations everywhere on the internet. On Instagram, there are entire profiles dedicated to posting inspirational affirmations, and that’s it! We are drawn to them for personal growth, motivation, and self-empowerment. But as my life radically shifted this past year into the journey of leaning in on growing my business full-time to provide for my single-parent home and navigating my pregnancy while nurturing a 15-month-old entering toddlerhood — I had to think outside the box to create a life of safety, peace, and abundance.

I already used affirmations to uplift myself for years. My practice started in my twenties with writing my affirmations in my mirror. This practice over the years has led me to experience some of the most incredible adventures of my life.

With the major change in my family life as a new mom, I had to figure out a way to transform my practice to influence the atmosphere I created in my home and business.

Imagine starting your day with an affirmation like, “I am creating a nurturing and loving home for my family and myself.” It’s not just about feeling good — it’s about setting a positive intention that permeates your actions, words, and interactions throughout the day.

But here is the twist, I began asking my affirmations as a question.

Am I creating a nurturing and loving home for my family and myself?

Modeling Positive Behavior

When I began incorporating affirmations as questions in my daily routine, it provided a way to check in with myself and actively reflect on what kind of world I was creating.

When we use affirmations, we’re not only impacting our mindset but we’re also modeling positive behavior for our children. It’s well known that children are incredibly perceptive and absorbent; they learn by observing the adults around them.

By focusing on using affirmations to check my behavior and mindset in real time, I got to practice my core values in front of my firstborn.

Core values like patience to allow my circumstances to evolve, and kindness for others, were not just traits I had the chance to reinforce in myself — I was teaching it to my child and the children in our community.

The Practice

I involve my child in the affirmation practice. Though my toddler is under two years old, at the time of writing this, I was able to turn affirmations into a family activity that strengthened our bond.

Our daily affirmation ritual is at the end of the day with a short affirmation in front of the mirror. In the beginning, I started with something simple that we would repeat together like “I am love,” or “I’m happy,” or “Fresh and Clean!” So my one-year-old could participate and strengthen their speaking and vocabulary. This practice I do with my child is encouraging positive thinking and setting the stage for meaningful conversations when they’re older.

It will be a practice I use for my second child as well, and we will have this routine for our family. I intend to help the children develop a deep sibling bond using this practice of saying affirmations together daily as well.

I also use affirmation cards when I do this practice just for myself or journaling. You could create your own and decorate them. But right now I choose to buy card decks. Some days, I pull a card and reflect on its meaning and how it can be applied in my daily life.

When I have my own unique affirmations to practice with, I add them to my daily alarms. I tend to practice multiple affirmations throughout the day when I get the alert on my phone.

It isn’t a long drawn-out process working with my affirmations and checking in with myself. I don’t often have that kind of time to dedicate like I used to before motherhood. However, it’s a daily practice, and that is the key.

I’ve been able to transform my life and continue to make steady progress toward bringing my goals for my family, lifestyle, and business to fruition. All by using affirmations in this way.

Dear Reader, This is for You

Whether this practice is new to you or you are familiar with this practice or not, here’s a simple exercise to get started:

Choose an affirmation like, “I am doing my best, and that’s enough.”

Repeat it to yourself and share it with your family.

Observe how this small change impacts the atmosphere in your home.

Integrate affirmations into your daily routine for a few days and involve your family. See if it enhances your mindset or fosters a nurturing and positive atmosphere at home.

Give it a try and share your experiences with affirmations in the comments below — I’d love to know how or if they’ve made a difference for you and your loved ones!

Happy affirming!

I’m a Mom who happens to be a Mindfulness Coach and Entrepreneur. By reading and engaging with this story, you are helping me to grow as a content creator. Thanks for reading my story!

Here is how I can help you: Download my free Affirmation Workbook for Motherhood

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Riane Tyler
The Orange Journal

Devyn’s Mom. Entrepreneur, Adventure Coach, Scuba Diving Instructor, Podcaster, Writer, Yogi. Available for speaking engagements.