Diligent Day Planner

This is a free habit tracker I found perusing Reddit

C. L. Beard
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Screenshot by the author


This is another review of apps I found on Reddit. Back in April while reading through the r/productivity subreddit I found many projects should be more talked about and used. These are projects that are the passion of one to two developers working on a product they want to share with the world. I thought it’d be worth the time to take a look at some habit trackers, note-takers, and other productivity apps that could use a little attention.

So here is Dilligent Day by Jaipei Song.

This is free, though not open source. It is also very minimal which is good because why spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to use an app when you just want to track a few things? Diligent day helps you to do just that.

Screenshot by the author

The image above is the inner workings of Diligent Day. What you are currently looking at is an image from the app. This is the main page. It would show more but I forgot my login.

There is no way currently to recover your information if you loose/forget your password.

The the screenshot above is what you will see when you are tracking your habits. Just check them off as you do them and the screen will fill with green checkmarks all across the screen.

Screnshot by the author

This image is where you set your identity for the Diligent Day app. Having a goal, an overall goal, can help you to focus best on what is really important. What do you want to become? It is a good question to ask yourself.

The thing I like most about Diligent Day is it is so flexible you can define what your identity is, and what your goals or habits are without pre-loaded suggestions. If you can imagine it you can put that in here. The thing I do not really like about most other habit apps is they give you a preset list to choose from. What if what you want is not on the list? You are then stuck with the app builder’s design system, usually with now way to edit the choices.

Screenshot by the author

This is what I chose as my app identity. What would your identity be using Diligent Day Planner.

Check it out as it is free for use.


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C. L. Beard
The Orange Journal

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter https://brainscriblr.beehiiv.com/, come check it out.