Discovering the History of Chaco Canyon

And Its Ancient Civilization

C. L. Beard
The Orange Journal
Published in
11 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by Raychel Sanner on Unsplash

The ancient civilization that once thrived in Chaco Canyon, known as the Ancestral Puebloans, left behind an impressive cultural legacy that has captured the imagination of archaeologists and visitors alike.

  1. Rich Cultural Traditions: The Ancestral Puebloans were farmers who lived and farmed in the Southwest for centuries. They developed sophisticated techniques to grow corn, beans, and squash in the arid canyons, using a system of irrigation and terracing to maximize yields. They also built elaborate structures, including great houses, kivas, and cliff dwellings, that reflect their advanced engineering and architecture.
  2. The Great Houses: Perhaps the most impressive feature of Chaco culture is the great houses that the Ancestral Puebloans built. These structures, some of which are several stories tall and contain hundreds of rooms, were the focal points of Chacoan life. They were used for ceremonial purposes, as living quarters, and for storage. Many of the great houses are aligned with the cardinal directions or have other astronomical alignments, suggesting that the culture had advanced knowledge of astronomy.
  3. Kivas: Kivas are another fascinating feature of Ancestral Puebloan culture. These circular, underground structures were used for religious…



C. L. Beard
The Orange Journal

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