Don’t Carry Your Regrets to the Grave

Truly love who you are

Frank Vaughn
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2023


Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash

You’ve made mistakes. Life could be so different. If only you’d zigged instead of zagged…

Life is full of those watershed moments that oftentimes come down to simple choices between two things. Choosing right makes your life awesome, while choosing wrong can really set you back.

“Should I marry this person or move on?”

“Should I take that job or stick with what I have?”

“Should I make that investment or save my money?”

Life is full of risk

Sometimes the risk is worth it. The thing is, you never really know for sure unless you take those risks. Doing the risky thing can lead to rich reward or straight disaster.

Not taking risks leads to…well, really nothing.

I’m a big advocate of taking educated risks. Like, don’t just hurl yourself headlong into every thing that crosses your path, but don’t do nothing, either.

At the very least, taking a calculated, manageable risk will lead to learning a valuable lesson about why you shouldn’t have done that. At most, it pays off in unimaginable ways.

Guess what you get if you just bury your head in the sand and refuse to engage life on your terms? Very little, that’s what.

Love yourself

Accept who you are, warts and all. Never stop seeking to learn and improve, but don’t look at your hard lessons with crippling regret, either.

You are who you are today because of what you’ve been through. If you spend your relatively short time on this earth soaking in regret rather than marveling in how far you’ve come from the boneheaded things you’ve done, you’ll just be miserable.

Who really wants to be miserable? Right? So don’t be.

Adopt the “you win or you learn” mindset, be smart about the risks you take, and own the results. Win or lose.

When I finally land on my deathbed, I want to spend my waning moments fondly remembering the process that brought me there rather than slipping away in sadness.

How about you?


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Frank Vaughn
The Orange Journal

Regional Emmy- and AP-award winning journalist and writer. Everyone’s brother.