Feelings are the language of god!

Hazrath Ali (R.A) Said a body from which the soul comes out and dies is called a dead human and a man without feelings is not even a human.

Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2024



Someone asked Moula Ali (R.A)

Ya Ali (R.A) which person is the most precious and special before Allah?

Moula Ali (R.A) replied that a person who has a strong feeling towards his or her responsibilities and always fulfills his or her responsibilities is the most precious and special person before Allah.

Iam not talking about selfish feelings and negative emotions like anger, lust, hatred, or pride.

When soul`s voice come? and when do you receive these divine messages from Allah?

This voice has no sound and it is not audible nobody can hear it and it has no language yet it is a voice that is unheard, unknown, supernatural, and top secret voice that only a soul can feel.

The deep-down feelings are a voice that comes first before every voice and every audible message.

The profound feeling of a voice of your soul that comes just after you wake up from your sleep.

The voice that shouts and scolds you if you do wrong. The voice that punishes you with the feeling of depression, sorrow, and guilt if you are on mistake and wrong.

The voice that speaks the truth always and guides you towards the right path.

The voice that warns you before you make a mistake or do something wrong.

The voice inside you that says enough is enough and it`s time for a change.

The voice inside you that gives correct intuitions and messages regarding situations and people.

The voice that tells you secretly if someone is harming your divine aura and stealing your life force energy.

The voice that says to deal with everything with kindness, understanding, and compassion for all.

These are our feelings.

This is our soul which is speaking to us and it is directly connected to Allah.

And he is the one who is sending you these true messages.

Listen to this voice do not ignore it.

And if you start listening to these messages remember and be sure Allah is always with you if you remember him he will remember you.

If you take one step towards him he will take 100 steps towards you and If you walk towards him he will run for you.

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The Orange Journal

Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at https://www.amazon.com/author/farahnaaztww