How Do You Make A Perfect Cup Of Chai?

In my quest to show the world how good Indian chai is ☕

Shaqib Akram
The Orange Journal
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2022


A fresh morning with sun rays coming through a window and a hot cup of chai tea sits on a book.
Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Have you ever made a cup of tea? Obviously, you did — Right? But have you ever thought of making it in a perfect way? — No? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how you do it.

First things first — If you want to brew your tea perfectly. You’ll have to stop calling it tea. Indeed, tea can not be perfect until it is made under the name “Chai.”

Didn’t get it? Wait, I’ll tell you.

If you ask me, “What is a Chai?” I would frankly say that chai is a better version of tea. No-No-No — Not better, actually the best.

Unlike (just a regular) tea generally consumed in the United Kingdom and North America, and around the world, that has almost no flavor and doesn’t taste good enough (don’t get me wrong, but it’s a harsh truth).

Now chai is an Indian version of tea. It’s India’s most popular drink. And a good cup of chai is first-of-all steamy hot, rich in milk, deep in color, and enriched with extraordinary flavor and taste. And the best part, it is poured with lots of love.

So, if you want to be an expert in chai making, there’s a simple theory. Just start brewing your chai regularly. Simple as that. Because when you constantly show your love towards it, you undoubtedly make it better time by time.

There you go, let me show you the recipe for a beverage that has made millions of Indians fall in love with it and has won people’s hearts elsewhere in the world.

How to Make an Ultimate Cup of Chai Tea?

The cooking ingredients shown in the image may vary from those used in the actual preparation of chai tea.
Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

As it’s already July end, and it’s almost raining every next day. So, why not enjoy your rainy day with a cup of chai or a masala chai with some biscuits.

But first, let me break down the truth. While making a perfect cup of chai, what matters the most is the method of how you do it. No matter what recipe you’re using, if you’re doing it correctly, you’re already smelling it good.

And what makes the Indian Chai the best in class is its leaf tea (chaipatti). You’re definitely not going to get tea leaves as good as it’s in India.

So, here’s how you brew it (My Mom’s recipe):

Ingredients (For making 1 cup of chai)

  • ½ cup of normal water
  • 2 teaspoons of dried loose leaf tea
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Sugar (depends upon need) 1 teaspoon per serving, traditionally

Directions (That’s how you do it right)

  • Add water, tea leaves (chaipatti), and sugar to a teapot on a stove and stir them to mix before adding the milk.
  • Reduce the heat to a medium-high level until it rapidly boils.
  • Slow down the heat a bit, add milk & sugar to it, and let the chai simmer for 3–4 minutes until it changes its color to a little dark brownish.
  • Now raise the heat back again and let it get 2–3 intense boils back to back.
  • And you are now done making your ultimate cup of chai.

In case you want to make a Masala Chai (Spiced Tea)

The aromas and spicy smell of a hot steamy masala chai are pure bliss that makes me feel refreshed & energetic in the morning.

You can follow the same recipe and instructions as above, But you also need to add these whole spices to the pot along with the tea leaves.

  • 3 Green Cardamoms, crushed
  • 1.5 inches of fresh ginger, smashed
  • 2 Cloves
  • Small piece stirring Cinnamon
  • 3 Peppercorns

Benefits of Drinking Chai Tea

A lighting banner of tea people and an arrow hanging on a wall show a way towards somewhere.
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Admit it. If you are a chai lover, your love for it will always be never-ending. In fact, the truth is that once you become a chai addict, there’s no going back.

Not only does chai has a bold flavor and enticing scent. But also the spices used in chai like ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, et cetera are very beneficial as they embrace antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help protect your health.

Chai tea may also contain some nutrition like Calories, Vitamins, Calcium, Protein, Fiber, Iron, Potassium, and Carbohydrates depending upon how you prepare it.

It also has a variety of health advantages, I’ll mention some of them just for your knowledge:

Chai Tea is -

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Boosts immune system and improves digestion
  • Soothes headache
  • Boosts heart health
  • Improves brain power
  • Refreshes the body and increases energy
  • Good for skin
  • Soothes sore throats
  • Lowers blood sugar level
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Fights cold and fever
  • Helps lose weight

But do not forget, the consumption of anything in a high quantity can be harmful to health. Even chai can have its consequences, so make yourself addicted to chai but in a positive way.

Having said that, you don’t have much to lose by giving it a try to a chai.

Happy Monsoon sipping!

Dear Mom, I can proudly say that I have learned this recipe and method from you and have been using it for years.
Thank you, Ammi, for all the chai and love.

If you find this chai recipe helpful and enjoyed reading it, you can clap & comment on this story and follow me here to read more of them. And don’t forget to show your love & support by buying me a chai.


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Shaqib Akram
The Orange Journal

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