How I Became a Success on Medium with Only 3 Stories

What happened today, made my writing here all worth it.

Francis Lee
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2022


One Step After Another. An original painting by Francis Lee. Prints are available at FineArtAmerica. Click on the painting.

I’ve been successful at everything I’ve ever done in my entire life. It’s unbelievable isn’t it?

You see, my car is exactly 7 steps away from my front door. I’m successful at walking to my car every single time. I never fail. My magical technique is that I don’t create negative stories on my way there.

I don’t create stories that stop me from taking the next step. Why do I have to walk? I’m using up so many calories. My shoes are wearing out. Will aliens abduct me before I can reach the car? Probably. Can’t I teleport there? Why haven’t they invented a portable teleporter?

I don’t have those thoughts. I simply put one foot in front of the other and I’m walking. It’s a success because I took the steps. I approach my entire life like that and I never fail.

When I joined Medium, I had no idea what lay ahead. The universe steered me here. I can’t even remember how I got here or why. I love writing and so I thought that’s what I’ll do. I wrote my first article called, “The One Thing That Matters in Life” . I poured my heart into that story. It took me a month to write that. I also created a painting to go along with the story. No one read it. It was my first step.



Francis Lee
The Orange Journal

My daily intention is to live in Nothingness. In this space of nothingness, there resides pure joy. There is no wanting or waiting here, just surrendering.