How I Transform Myself From A Perfectionist Into Embracing This Imperfect World(Part 1)

The outcome surprised me.

The Orange Journal
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2023


A girl wearing an ultra-red lipstick
Photo by Deyon Gandonu:

The Taste Of Blood In This World

Accept that cruelty is part of the reality

This is my little secretive thought. You may feel Iā€™m being too cynical.

~ My little mind chatter ~

The cruelty, the winner takes it all, the social status classification, the challenge to break into the higher rank of society, the despisable look, etc. Iā€™m someone from a low social rank trying to break into the higher rank of society.

There are many layers to break into and many new things to learn. From how to carry myself, the social etiquette, how to dress, etc. so that I can be perceived as part of them.

Who asks you not born in the winning position? This is a norm in the society. We donā€™t live in the fabled story. The reality is tinted with blood everywhere, even in the perceived safe and pure places like schools, churches, etc.

Havenā€™t you heard of school bullying, priest abuse of women or teenagers, parentsā€™ abuse of their kids, teacherā€¦



The Orange Journal

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