I am Not My Name!!!

Akua ntiwaa Anti
The Orange Journal


Photo by Jairo Gonzalez on Unsplash

I am not my name! I absolutely refuse to be anything I had no choice in. Everything thing I am should be everything I choose to be.

There’s this popular saying: 'You are what you believe in, you are what you read, you are what you listen to, you are who you associate with, you are what you repeatedly do, you are what you eat’ (well that I don’t really agree with because I’d rather not be a fish stew or fries).

But that being said I think this means I’m a daughter of the Most High, fearfully and wonderfully made, fashioned for greatness, created to be limitless. And then I think I’m a murder mystery and a regency romance and on occasion a Shakespearean classic. I’m a smooth jazz tune, Bethoven’s Piano sonata in F minor, Handel’s Messiah, Katie Perry’s Roar, everything Elvis Presley. I’m also a solitaire game, a poorly played chess game, a long nap on a warm afternoon, the Indian series I’d run home to watch anytime, the off pitch wrong lyric songs I sing in the bathroom.

And lastly, I’m just one girl in one small world, just one girl who wants to do so much more.


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Akua ntiwaa Anti
The Orange Journal

so I basically love reading. And I read about anything I can find. I also do a bit of free style writing and I'm looking forward to enjoying my time on medium