I Keep Pulling the Chain, But the Light Won’t Come On

I have a lighthouse in my soul, but the bulb is dim.

Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2021


A lighthouse on a rocky shore of a beautiful lake. No light is on.
Photo by Nick Sarro on Unsplash

I have a lighthouse in my soul. I know, because I’ve seen it. Mine isn’t a lot like the one in the picture: mine is on the shore of a tropical island. The water is aqua and calm (most of the time.) The sand on the beach is white.

Attached to the lighthouse is a beautiful modern house made mostly of glass in front, but it butts up against solid rock at the back, and it’s grounded in that rock. There are storm shutters that come down when needed to protect the glass from storms. I found this place with guidance during a panic attack years ago, and I visit it when things inside feel dark.

I woke up this morning with that dark feeling inside. There is no reason for it. Things are going well. My re-fi on my house finally (after months) looks like it’s going through. That will save me almost $300/month on my mortgage. I should be dancing.

My debt consolidation is also getting a percentage drop on interest, decreasing my monthly payments from $610 to $386. I should be grinning from ear to ear.

Because my income had dropped significantly when I moved from upstate New York to North Carolina almost three years ago, money has been a major concern ever since. I had planned on…



Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Former English professor ponders life, love, and how to leap tall buildings in a single bound.