I Stopped Reading New Books Until a Further Notice

This is why I’m not willing to read new books for now

Cilia Madani
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2022


Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

It may seem weird to stop doing a very common habit among the most successful people of all time. However, it is really important to know where to put a comma, a semicolon, or give a green light to continue your reading journey.

For each and every important (especially non-fiction) book you read, the question you should ask yourself is whether you are fully or almost fully grasping the context of what you’ve read. If the answer is yes, one can move on to the next book, but if it’s a no, put the comma in the line and make sure to understand what you’ve read and apply it if the book is non-fiction.

After all, we read books to get better, and we would want to see the progress as we read. there is no big point in reading for reading. Reading for a change is the point.

For now, I’m putting a comma in my way of reading because I need to make sure that I understood and that I’m applying all the new concepts I discovered and planned to apply while reading some books. The way I can do that is by reading again these great old books, reading summaries to make it faster, and including the books’ teachings in my daily life.

The takeaway

Don’t leave a great book until you are the book.

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Cilia Madani
The Orange Journal

Junior Machine Learning Engineer | Former GDG/WTM organizer | into books, self Dev and other stories