Intuition Is The ‘Magic Pill’ You’re Really After

Understanding the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind

Chelsea Mancini
The Orange Journal
Published in
6 min readDec 2, 2021


Often in the world of personal growth and self-development, we’ll look to the animal kingdom in an attempt at inspiration.

An eagle doesn’t try to soar, it just soars. Be like the eagle!

I love looking to nature for inspiration and guidance, but I also think it serves us to remember the unique complexities that separate us from the pack and make us what we are — human.

As humans, we have the unique ability to reason. We consciously think through situations and problems. We analyze and assess.

We are aware of our awareness.

When we refer to propensities of the animal kingdom, we’re referring to their instincts. This is how all animals operate. Instincts are innate. Some are automatic, such as breathing, while others need some practice, such as how to hunt. Animals tap into them via their senses to survive. Humans do too.

It’s generally accepted that we have three main instincts: survival, sexual, and social, though I would argue that sexual and social instincts are both a function of the survival instinct.



Chelsea Mancini
The Orange Journal

Tarot reader, Intuitive Coach, Writer, Speaker. I coach women to transcend their fears and limiting beliefs and live with confidence and intention.