It Feels Illegal to Know This About SEO

You don’t know what you don’t know, especially when it comes to SEO.

Susie Pinon
Anyone Can Write Online


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Writing SEO content and SEO-friendly blog posts have recently become my biggest quest in an effort to enhance my skill set and qualify for my dream job. Experts report using different SEO copywriting tools like Semrush, Yoast, Ubersuggest, and so many others.

Blogging has taken on a new life form, with thousands of examples online focused around writing for Google’s algorithms, optimizing text and keywords, and blogging with SEO on the forefront of your mind.

It is both exciting and exhausting.

A Medium writer mentioned in a comment that she was giving herself a DIY Master's degree in Literature by utilizing the endless bounty of free resources our society has to offer.

That got me thinking, “Why can’t I teach myself SEO and become an expert? I bet I can do it for free, too.”

So I got to Googling and Youtubing and diving deep into the rabbit hole to the Alice in Wonderland of SEO.

I have been studying at least an hour per day, sometimes more, taking notes in my Google doc titled ‘SEO’ which now spans 15+ pages and exists as my study guide.



Susie Pinon
Anyone Can Write Online

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉