Joy Is In The Heart Of One's Self…

Life is so Much More Beautiful Than You Think it is.

Informative and Innovative
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2022


Photo by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash

In life, there will be moments where you will feel the emotions of joy, grief, excitement, anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and many more. There will be moments where you think:

‘Why can’t I control my life.’

But the truth of life is that you can’t control it. What’s gonna happen will happen. And sometimes the situation is unexpected.

The important thing is how you find the moments of joy in that unexpected.

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

Many people would always think of the negative side of the situation, If it's raining they would just think about how their work got pending, how they could not get to their destination, and so on. BUT they would never think about how beautiful the raindrop looks and how pleasant it smells.

Just thinking about water that comes from the sky and washes the world, gives life to our earth, and helps us in almost every aspect of life is amazing.

I am finding these little moments of joy in every situation of my life because now I know how important it is.

In my teenage, I remember going to the theme park with my cousins, family friends, and some children to enjoy the rides but luck was not on our side that day because it was crowded and we could not get on to rides.

That day I was grumpy sitting on the side looking at my mobile and when we got home all my cousins told our grandparents how they enjoy it even without getting on rides. They laugh at the very small things and that was the day I realized that it was not the rides that mattered but the moments that I should have enjoyed.

Because life sometimes will go according to you and sometimes don’t.

The real thing is how you accept the situation and find the moment of joy yourself because the joy is in your heart. You just need to find it.

I hope after reading, you will also see the moments of joy in your life.


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Informative and Innovative
The Orange Journal

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