Learn to Appreciate to be Happy

A little appreciation would not hurt

Parul Kapoor | Writer
The Orange Journal
Published in
6 min readAug 25, 2022


Source : https://themindsjournal.com/tag/pursuit/

In this lightning-fast busy schedules with our routines being more mechanical than mindful we generally miss out on small details of life which might not cause a stir being missed but if they are appreciated, they might bring some positive vibes and joy.

These small things are often neglected as we are mostly trained to only achieve a certain goal in life, but what is not taught to us, is enjoying the journey towards achieving the goal. We channel all our energies to reach the goal and are not left with time or understanding to pause and appreciate. Often it could be a question coming to mind, that what to appreciate and how? This is not uncommon. The first time I came across this term was in my graduate studies of architecture where we had a subject titled ‘Art Appreciation’. My concern was not how to appreciate, but why to appreciate? As our education system never taught us this term, leave alone explaining the minuscule details, we never knew how to appreciate anything.

So still the question lingers “what do we appreciate”? If you ask me, the list would be endless and would not be in the scope of this space, but to start with it could be very tiny everyday details in our everyday routines for which we do not have to go out of the way and it comes effortlessly to us.

In this way we would not be burdened and still get small moments of joy in our busy schedules.

Few of suggestions from my own understanding (the list could be personalized for individuals) :

  1. Nature: Nature as a muse is so rewarding and therapeutic as each muse is unique and would always be there at the same place when you want to go back. The diversity that nature has given to us is so underrated and ignored, but if seen closely there is no man-made thing which can stand close to it. Nature has abundance of variety for inspiration, therapy and joyfulness that it should definitely be no.1 in everybody’s list. While I appreciated nature there was no way to really acknowledge this, so I went on to document the same by clicking pictures everyday while on my nature walks. Now, when I want to marvel at the intricacies and the detailing I just go back to those pictures and admire them. Simple!
Source : Author

2. Food: The one thing no human can do without is FOOD. So why not admire and appreciate. We pay thousands to eat that gourmet dish in a Michelin restaurant or a 5-star hotel just because it has been plated well. But there is more to food than plating. It is the texture, the aroma and the layering of elements which can elevate the whole experience. It’s the process of making specialty and customary dishes which can resonate with our cultures and festivals. An activity as simple as making a Besan Ladoo involving the entire family can become an experience which can be appreciated as it would also help in bonding and retaining values and culture. (Quick fact: Display windows of food outlets in Japan are decorated with silicon food models which look replicas of food served as it is said that Japnesese eat with their eyes a term called Moritsuké, it is essential to persuade them with images of the food)

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

3. Clothing: When I say clothing, I do not necessarily mean fashion, but the art which is embedded into the apparels by the craftsmen. India being culturally rich with art and heritage has the advantage of providing us with abundance of choices. The details could be tiny like embroidery or a cross-stitch done in unique ways. These small handcrafted details remind us of the culture apart from bringing uniqueness to the product. Also appreciating them would be appreciating the efforts of the artists in a way as a lot of hard work goes in handcrafted products. A next level of the appreciation in this case would be understanding the intricacies of the process to bring out the presumed nuances.


4. Music: We all like to listen to music here and there. But music when listened to intricately can bring alive our senses and make us joyful in different ways. Appreciating the various elements which comprise of music including instruments, lyrics, sound would make us more aware of the process. Music from nature is also worth appreciation as it has therapeutic properties specially in times when one is seeking for solace.

Try taking a walk amidst nature when you are upset, it’s a guaranteed mood-swinger.

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

5. Buildings: It would be rather unfair if I do not talk about buildings and architecture here (given my profile)! We at architecture school were taught that Architecture is ‘Mother of all Arts’. As it involves all your senses thus it becomes all the more important to appreciate the spaces around us. It could be the daily view from your workplace, the street that you cross on way to work, the building on the corner of the intersection near your house etc. It could be the paint, the arches, the detail of the columns on the porch, the brick bond which lines the façade or a simple door which reminds us of the French architecture (Pondicherry in my vision here).The bottom line being architecture in its purest form can be appreciated as it reminds us of experiences and moments.

Photo by Kaushik Murali on Unsplash

The world is full of elements and ideas which we can appreciate once we are ready to do so. All we would need is a little time to pause and admire the element.

What to expect from the process?

The process would always be evolutionary and inquisitive. It would make us think beyond the mundane routine and also ensure that we admire what we take for granted. The idea is not to strain ourselves with the process but rather to enjoy in our own ways. We need to decide what amuses us and how, as life without some delight would be dull and monotonous. So Happy appreciating!

Photo by Mihai Surdu on Unsplash

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” — Voltaire

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Parul Kapoor | Writer
The Orange Journal

Writer. Poet. Urbanist. Photographer. Believe in mindful & creative growth. SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter or Buy my DEBUT BOOK at: https://linktr.ee/parulkapoor