Lessons I’ve Learned from My Favorite TV Shows

Whoever said you couldn’t learn from television was lying.

Adara Mitchell
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2021


Man and woman close together with his right hand over her shoulder.
Photo by Ba Phi from Pexels

I remember being obsessed with movies and shows when I was younger—as was any other child, I’m sure—which holds today.

Watching movies, in particular, with my dad, was fun. At the end of each film, we would take turns explaining our interpretation regarding the big picture of the film.

Movies and tv shows are another form of storytelling, which is the “vivid description of ideas, beliefs, personal experiences, and life lessons through stories or narratives that evoke powerful emotions and insights,” according to Asian Development Bank.

Instead of picking up a novel and reading, you get to experience what the creator is trying to get across to you visually.

These are some things I’ve learned from watching my favorite television shows:

Fear is a Rational Human Emotion, but Don’t Let it Run You

There are a few fears I’ve yet to overcome, i.e., spiders, heights, getting a balloon lodged in my throat while I blow it up (don’t ask how that fear came about.)

Fear is a universal emotion, and it’s triggered when we think of someone or something as a threat; when…



Adara Mitchell
The Orange Journal

An introvert way too obsessed with the world of fiction. I write about topics that interest me and upload them to the internet. https://linktr.ee/adaramitchell