Let’s Talk About Bread Crumbing

What is it and how can we effectively deal with it?

Susie Pinon
Published in
9 min readSep 11, 2020


Photo by Victoria Shes on Unsplash

We have evolved to the modernity of dating where we name patterns of behaviors after unrelated things that seem to compare to the behavior they describe. The general population (with the majority of people being 35 and under) is comfortably familiar with these terms and others.

Besides breadcrumbing, there is ghosting, orbiting, curving, catfishing, love bombing, cuffing season…the list is seemingly perpetual.

As I continue to educate myself on what all these words actually mean, I wonder who came up with them. Regardless, I recently came across the term coined as breadcrumbing and realized I had been a recent victim of such. And what a perfect name for the cruel act it is!

I self-soothed and filed the event into my mental library of things not to say to a newly single dude.

The Timeline

So I went on literally two dates with this guy I met online. It was on Hinge which I consider one of the more high-quality dating apps of our time. I say that because there seem to be more seriously-oriented seekers of people. Simply put, they actually take five seconds to fill out their bio and profile.



Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉