Life’s Not for the Soft-Life’s Hard, and That’s the Point — Play to Win

Farzeen Shaikh
The Orange Journal
3 min readAug 5, 2024


Every human being on this planet is here for some purpose. Though our purposes might differ, we are all here to live a peaceful life and achieve something meaningful. Life is a complex journey filled with both joy and sorrow, success and failure.

Credit : Aconscious rethink

People will inevitably be mean, hurt you, betray you, and act selfishly. There will be times when you feel lost, facing the death of loved ones, financial ruin, heartbreaks, and misunderstandings with family.However, these challenges are an integral part of life. The key is to view these difficulties as part of the game of life, learn from them, and continue playing well.


Imagine life as the most important game you’ll ever play. In this game, you have the freedom to choose your goals and the responsibility to achieve them. Society may sometimes deem you a loser, but your worth is not determined by external judgments. You have the autonomy to decide what you want out of life and the power to pursue it.

When you encounter mean or deceitful people, understand that they are playing their own game, driven by their own goals and struggles. This perspective can help you not to take their actions personally. Remember, you are not on this planet just to eat and have fun. Life’s purpose goes beyond mere existence; it is about growth, contribution, and the pursuit of happiness.

credit : Morning coach

Life will undoubtedly present you with numerous challenges. There will be times when everything seems to go wrong. You might lose loved ones, face financial hardships, or experience heartbreak. In these moments, it’s crucial to remember that these are temporary setbacks, not the end of your journey. Embrace these struggles as opportunities to learn and grow stronger.

It is essential to work on your mind and emotions. Building mental resilience and emotional strength is crucial to navigating life’s challenges effectively. By focusing on self-improvement and removing unnecessary emotional burdens, you can continue to achieve your goals and organize your life. Making your life beautiful and fulfilling is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort.

Even your parents, who love you dearly, might have high expectations from you and might sometimes hurt you. This is a part of their game, driven by their hopes and dreams for you. At times, you might have hurt them as well. These experiences are part of the human condition. Learning to understand and forgive, both yourself and others, is vital.

To live life to the fullest, strive to become the best version of yourself. Create a life that is as magnificent as a world-class castle. Live like a king or queen, with confidence and grace. Play the game of life well, embracing each challenge and triumph with equal vigor. By doing so, you not only achieve your goals but also find peace and fulfillment.

The game of life is not about avoiding pain or challenges but about navigating them with wisdom and strength. So, take on the game of life with enthusiasm and determination. Choose your goals, pursue them relentlessly, and remember that every experience, good or bad, is a part of your journey. By learning and applying these lessons, you can make your life truly beautiful and meaningful.

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Farzeen Shaikh
The Orange Journal

I talk, read, and write about Motivation, Personal Development, Life , Mind, personality,thoughts,and other things.