Love Is The Killer App

How to win business and influence friends.

Josué Sánchez
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2022


A cartoon character holds a huge heart on his arms.
Art by Josue Sanchez

What if we included love in everything, absolutely everything we do? I’m talking about business, career, and personal relationships. What if compassion impregnated our worldview? These are some of the thoughts I remember from the book I read twenty years ago by Tim Sanders that bears the same title as this short form piece you’re reading.

Love The Other

When we enter a room filled with people, be open to realizing that everybody’s got a story that can change your heart. We are not islands nor robots. We have souls, feelings, desires, and fears. Your coworker may be going through an ugly divorce, your boss might have cancer, and the mail person is depressed.

What if we decided to love them?

Do this mental exercise: think of ways to uplift the person next to you at work. Why don’t you compliment her tidy desk? His boots? Or acknowledge their professionalism? Their smile?

Love is contagious

The next step is asking yourself, “how can I help ____ grow?” I know it may sound weird outside of, let’s say, romantic relationships. But seriously, though. What prevents you from wanting your coworker to grow?

“Love is the selfless promotion of the…



Josué Sánchez

I rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude // co-founder of