Make Bold Choices and Stay Ready for Beautiful Disruptions

Because the results will either shock or build you (not break you)

O.J Ebubeoha
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2023


Photo by Jonnas Duarte:

At the beginning of 2023, I was struggling with trying to put everything into perspective in my life, but it wasn’t working.

I had a journal full of personal goals and action plans to achieve them, yet the first quarter went by, and I was nowhere near crossing anything off my list.

I wanted to publish 2 books this year, do more for my creative blog, build my YouTube channel, invest in personal development, pass my professional exams, and everything in between. I had a complete map drawn up for each quarter, still; I was lagging.

It broke me. I felt defeated and disconnected from everything. Ultimately, I tore down my list and make one bold decision at a time.

What happened next was incredible!

— Between March and May, I prepared for my final professional exams and wrote it intentionally. When they released the results, I cleared 4 out of 5 papers. One left to go.

— In April, while still studying for my professional exams, I kept coming up with ideas and value nuggets for my blog. Since I was focusing on studying, I created a second Medium page and started sharing them in short form.

This Medium blog has grown incredibly well in the last five months. I also linked it to my creative blog and recently turned it into a mini-newsletter series for my growing community.

— Immediately after my exams, in June, I had this overwhelming urge to tear down, re-organize, and revamp my author brand. It was painful, and soul crushing, but I did it.

I changed my penname, grouped my books, revamped my website, deleted published books that didn’t serve me, and changed half my covers. It was a tough process, but I felt more self-assured afterward.

— Not long after I had taken a sledgehammer to my author brand, I started working on a draft that called to me. Guess what? Nine days from now, I’m all set to publish this book and super excited about it.

— In August, I launched a mentorship cohort program for young African writers that I created in thirteen days by harnessing opportunity, obsession, vision, and positivity.

Right now, I’m on a different growth trajectory of my life from where I was in the first quarter of this year, all because I made a bold decision and welcomed the ripples of disruption it caused.

How did this happen?

  • I listened to my intuition and let go of the tight reins I had on my goals.
  • I turned my focus away from trying to achieve so many things on a schedule and focused on achieving one thing at a time.
  • Believing the universe was guiding my intuition, I allowed her to lead and guide my steps on a purposeful journey.
  • I embraced the several levels of beautiful disruptions that occurred in six months to end my chaos and pave the way for clarity.
  • I made bold choices every step of the way, trusting my gut, believing in my journey, and ready to embrace whatever results it yielded without fear.

Making bold choices is only the beginning.

The first bold choice I made in March 2023 was letting go of the tight reins I had on my goals which weren’t working out for me.

For you, a bold choice could mean disrupting or rebuilding a part of yourself. Or re-engaging in something meaningful you’ve been scared, avoiding, or dying to do.

Making bold choices is only the beginning. The results of your choices will either shock or build you, but it’ll never break you because you already conquered fear and let go of your inhibitions by making that choice.

All that’s left is to embrace the beautiful disruptions you’ve unlocked within yourself, harness and channel them into something meaningful.

Trust me, these beautiful disruptions will change your life and perception for the better.

My Message With Love & Light

At the end of the first quarter of this year, I was ready to give up, frustrated by my lack of progress and struggling with the devastating guilt of underachievement.

Letting go helped me embrace what the universe was trying to teach me but couldn’t hear over the chaos in my head.

If at this point of your life you’re still struggling to make the best of your year, let everything go. Then make one bold decision today and stay ready for the beautiful disruptions that’ll take over your life.

Progress and growth are disruptive in nature, so do not fear. Embrace it.

Hi, I’m Jane. I enjoy sharing articles about gratitude, growth, healing, wellness, and intriguing relatable topics.

Thank you for reading my piece. I hope you’ll share your thoughts on it.

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O.J Ebubeoha
The Orange Journal

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | |