Manifest Anything With the 3–6–9 Manifestation Method

What is the traditional Nikola Tesla 3–6–9 manifestation technique?

Susie Pinon
Published in
8 min readJul 31, 2020


Manifest Anything With the 3–6–9 Manifestation Method
Created by Susie Pinon in Canva

The Nikola Tesla 3–6–9 manifestation practice is a paradigm of practiced and repetitive thoughts throughout one’s day that serves as a tool. Its purpose is for an individual to manifest or bring forth anything they desire from the Universe/God. This is done by the use of consistent and particularly-worded affirmations that help the subconscious mind to believe that you already have what you desire.

Why the Numbers 3–6–9?

The synchronicity of these particular numbers is in direct correlation with the Universe. The number three is the direct link to Source/Universe. Six represents the deepest strength we have within ourselves. Nine is in accordance with moving on from the past and helps release any feelings of self-doubt or negativity.

Created by Susie Pinon in Canva

As someone who has been practicing the law of attraction on a regular basis for over five years now, I have never come across this particular method until recently through a friend. I’m not sure how deeply I resonate with the significance of the numbers…



Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉