Morning Meditation

Or the attempt thereof — a conversation between old friends.

Cheryl Leutjen
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2022



Me: Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Sa-Ta-Na…..

Also Me: I JUST REMEMBERED! I have laundry in the dryer…

Me: Ma-Sa-Ta…

Also Me: should I go get it?

Me: Na-Ma-Sa-Ta-Nah…

Also Me: I should finish this first, I’m already HERE

Me: Ma-Sa-Ta-Na-Ma….

Also Me: if it’s wrinkled, it’s already wrinkled

Me: Sa-Ta-Na-Ma…

Also Me: but now I can’t stop thinking about laundry…GRRRR… FOCUS!!!

Me: Sa-Ta-Na…

Also Me: oh why didn’t I get the laundry out of the dryer last night?

Me: Ma-Sa-Ta…

Also Me: maybe if you hadn’t had margaritas for dinner you would have

Me: Na-Ma…

Also Me: wow, that’s kind of judge-y for meditation, Leutjen!

Me: Sa-Ta-Na-Ma….

Also Me: it’s like so many times when…[mentally start drafting a blog post on how laundry left in the dryer is a metaphor for so much unfinished business.]….OOPS!



Cheryl Leutjen
The Orange Journal

Teetering on a tightrope between more conscientious living and eco-madness, I write about responding to the challenges of our time with heart, hope, and humor.