My Beacon of Light

She’s always shining brightly when I’m frightened and alone in the dark.

Chris Patton
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2023


Photo Credit: Gaia Armellin — Unsplash

This bed I’m lying in is a tiny old boat,
Battered and tossed about mercilessly,
By the frightening storms that come each night.

I’m not always sure I can see it through,
And I’m lost at sea, floating aimlessly,
When she’s not with me.

She is the bright beacon of light I need,
That guides me through these dangerous waters,
And into her safe and protective harbor.

Copyright © 2023 Chris Patton

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Chris Patton
The Orange Journal

I write authentically about my journey with PTSD so that others may benefit from my experience. I also write about love and longing.