Meet The CEM: Chief Executive Mum

The job behind the scene…

Veronica Llorca-Smith
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2022


Woman executive with an orange dress sitting in an office
Photo Credit: Dane Deaner

Behind the scene of a CEM’s life

Since CEM is my most important job, I thought I would share a little bit of the behind the scene:

I applied for the role of CEM several years ago. I failed the first interviews without an explanation and I was devastated, but I persevered and eventually got the job I had always dreamed of!

It was a challenging job, so I had a period of 9 months of incubation, to “grow” into the role.

Once I was officially appointed as CEM it was pure chaos and I had the biggest imposter syndrome. I had no clue of what I was doing because I had never done it before.

There is no training manual for CEM: you have to figure out as you go and every day is different.

The first few months are exhausting: you work 24/7 and everything is a blur.

You are literally dealing with “shit” day and night.

The Board of Director is very demanding and inquisitive (they apply the 5 Why’s religiously).

The R&R evolve as the Board takes more and more responsibilities.

