One Thing I Do That Saves Money, Time, and the Environment

I actually wear my clothes.

Claire McNerney
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2022


Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

Saving the Environment

The average number of wears per clothing has decreased substantially since the rise of fast fashion. In the US, the average is less than 50. Think about all the time and effort that goes into making an item of clothing: from the fabric manufacturing to the sewing to the transportation across miles and oceans. All of that, just to be worn a few times and then thrown out.

In an industry that is already incredibly wasteful, adding more waste on my end just feels bad.

Saving Money

Buying fewer clothes = saving money.

It makes sense, but when the average American household spends $1,700 on clothes each year, it puts things into consideration. If I buy fewer items of clothing, I can afford to buy higher quality, longer-lasting pieces, and get more wears-per-dollar than a cheaply made cheap piece.

Saving Time

I don’t have to go shopping as often, which saves me lots of time. And because I’m not afraid to re-wear the clothes in my closet, I rarely need to go shopping for specific events.

When I do choose to go shopping, I try to make it a fun event, rather than a chore. This is much easier!

Also, having fewer clothes means less stress in trying to pick out outfits. There are simply fewer options, which leads to fewer choices to make, and that saves me lots of time in the mornings.

Buying Clothes

When I need to buy new clothes, I try to shop at thrift stores or shops that use ethically sourced and sustainable materials. And even if I do purchase an item from a fast-fashion outlet, I try to make sure that it’s good enough quality to wear over and over and over and over (and over and over) again.

I have fun with my clothes. I have fun colors and patterns, and I like the things that I wear. But having fewer of them makes my life so much easier, even if it does mean I reach for the same outfits every week.

I Am An Outfit Repeater.

And I see that as a wonderful thing!

Yes, I sometimes see photos of myself from five years ago and recognize the shirt I’m wearing as something still in my closet today. But I see this as a badge of honor rather than worn-out fashion taste. I am shamelessly an outfit repeater.

I wear clothes that fit me, that I like, that make me feel good. And I will wear them out.

How often do you buy new clothes? And do you actually wear all the clothes you own? Let me know — I’d love to hear your perspective!

Further reading on fast fashion & why you should avoid it:

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