Reasons Why We Are Our Own Worst Enemies

As humans, we are prone to making mistakes in life because everyone is imperfect.

Ameer Suhail
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2022


Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Most of us have qualities that might hurt us even as they help us grow as human beings. Even though it isn’t always easy to see your own negative traits, identifying them is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences you can ever go through. Understanding our own self-destructive habits is what enables us to correct those errors and become better people in the process.

Biting off more than you can chew

Most of us have experienced that feeling of being overwhelmed once or twice in our lives. We all get stressed-out at times, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if too many things are pulling you in different directions at once, you might be taking on too much and getting yourself into trouble.

The trick is to know when to say no to opportunities so you can focus on what’s most important to you. However, many people say yes to everything because they’re afraid of being judged for being unproductive.

If you have a problem with overcommitting yourself, make sure to set realistic goals for yourself so you don’t overextend yourself and get overwhelmed by your own responsibilities. Nip this destructive habit in the bud before it becomes a serious issue.

Falling into a comfort zone trap

Most of us feel comfortable with the way things are in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we’re living the best version of our own story. Human beings are naturally resistant to change because it involves overcoming our own fears and doubts.

It is often much easier to stay in our comfort zone, but doing so will prevent us from growing as individuals. If you find yourself procrastinating when it comes to taking leaps of faith in your personal and professional life, you might be falling into a comfort zone trap.

While it’s important to be comfortable in life, you also have to work towards improving your situation and taking control of your future. If you feel like you’re stuck in the same old rut, don’t be afraid to shake things up for the better.

Dwelling on the past

Everybody has regrets in life. We all have moments where we wish we had done things differently, but dwelling on the past won’t do you any good. It’s important to learn from your mistakes, but dwelling on them will only make you lose sight of your goals and dreams for the future.

If you keep letting the past hold you back, it will be impossible to move forward and achieve greatness in your life. It’s perfectly normal to think about your past from time to time, but don’t let it consume your present moment. If you see yourself dwelling on the past too often, make sure to snap yourself out of it as soon as possible.

Having unrealistic expectations

Expectations are crucial to our development as human beings. They help us plan for the future, create visions for our own lives, and motivate us towards greatness. However, expectations can also become a destructive habit if we rely on them too heavily. It’s fine to set goals for yourself, but don’t let those expectations become unrealistic fantasies.

Having unrealistic expectations for the people around you can lead to disappointment, frustration, and even anger. On the other hand, having unrealistic expectations for yourself can prevent you from enjoying the journey and achieving your goals.

Make sure to keep your expectations realistic and reasonable so they don’t hinder your own self-development.


There are many reasons why we are our own worst enemies. When we understand the reasons why we harm ourselves, we can start to overcome those obstacles and become better versions of ourselves. Although we all make mistakes in life, it’s important to learn from them so we can become stronger as human beings.


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Ameer Suhail
The Orange Journal

A Passionate Writer. I write about Life, Relationship and Self-improvement. I also write Poems