Start Journaling Today

No fancy notebook needed

The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Image created by Ann Leach

Journaling is a buzzword.

It is getting a lot of space on Medium, YouTube, X, Instagram, and even in (Dare I say it??) magazines. *gasp

But why? What’s the big deal?

“There’s an app for that!” (Remember that advertising lingo?)

What Apps Lack

In a word: History

In another word: Physicality

When I use an app to track my to do list, once I click the task as completed, it disappears!

Yesterday disappear when I open up today.

There is no option for flipping back through my days, weeks, and months to witness my progress and growth.

I have to remember the title or keywords to search up a journal entry rather than just flipping back through the pages.

There is value in flipping back through pages and apps don’t do that.

Supplies Needed for Journaling

A pen

A piece of paper although a notebook is better

That’s it.



The Orange Journal

Book author and article writer, Unplugged Fun owner; Outdoor & physical activity enthusiast, Living best life adventurer, Curious learner