That Societal Behavior

Something that's not talked about, but must be acted upon!

Indhuja Kumar
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2022


Be curious, Not judgmental.— Walt Whitman

All of us go through the phase of growing up from being an infant to an adult.

A lot of the world we dream of as a child and in reality, after becoming an adult is never the same.

There is a certain set of expectations of what you should do, how much you must earn, and how you should live, like we were all given some template on the journey of life!

How predictable and boring would it be to grow up with a template.

The unpredictability of human life is one of the most beautiful reasons, one must sail through it.

None of us know where the other person has started from or what the other person wants to be until we get to know them.


How long does it take to not assume,

How long does it take to accept someone as they are,

How long does it take to not gossip about what is assumed,

How long does it take to not make a comparison wrt template you have set in your mind,

How long does it take to be non-judgmental,

How long does it take to set them free!

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Would love to hear your thoughts in the Comments Section!

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