The 2 Things You Need To Do In Your 20s for a Life Well-Lived

You only get one chance, so why not do it right?

Insights with Marcus
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

If you are in your 20s these are the 2 main things that you need to remember for a life well-lived.

Admittedly there are a lot of distractions, choices, and crossroads in our young adulthood days. Hence it's critical to have a strong foundation early on to navigate through life.

1. Get identity capital

When you are young, you have time and energy on your side. This is your unfair advantage. Your mistakes or lack of experience are easily forgiven given that you can be trained, mentored and grow in a role.

As you get older people expect you to be more settled and specialised in your area of work.

Additionally, people expect you to be settled down with a family, have your own place and have financial security. On top of that, you may face ageism as you get older and you be less likely to want to hustle in your older age.

Take advantage of your youth by:

  • Building your identity capital (building skillsets, knowledge, and adding value). Do something that adds to who you are as a person.
  • Explore different areas and fields. This includes talking to people from different walks of life, networking and exploring so that you have a holistic view perspective of life.
  • Save and invest your money now. You have the unfair advantage of time compounding interest for you.

Most importantly do something now that adds to who you might want to be next.

2. Explore and live your best life

One of the things that have been profound for me is realising that there is a season for everything. At each stage, we experience new experiences. There are often time no do-overs, no repeats or rewinds.

That is why you always want to give your best in everything that you do.

How do you live your best life?

  • Do what makes you feel alive.
  • If something isn't working for you, have the courage to walk away.
  • Travel
  • Fall in love.
  • Spend time with friends and family.
  • Prioritise your mental health.
  • Work on being a better version of yourself every day.


Many people think that they need money for fame or success to have a well-lived life. There are many well-offed people that have taken their own life, destroyed and lived miserable lives because they did not have a strong foundation early on. Hence, when fame, success and money suddenly pour in they become shaken and made poor decisions handling them.

What I have come to realise is that people that embody a life well-lived usually have strong faith, they are self-assured in themselves and have a strong foundation of their values. That becomes the grace that carries them through all the days of their lives.

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