The Death of a Man and a Woman in Postmodern Disparate Society

Society demands plenty of deaths from its members. They call them thresholds and milestones. Since we understand the language of fairy tales, we are indoctrinated with the necessity of disintegration…

Irena Curik
The Orange Journal
Published in
8 min readAug 29, 2022


Dance performance “Slow Loris” by Irena Curik with Stephanie Felber. Zagreb 2017. Photo by IC.

If we cannot give up our sex, we can question our gender. And if we cannot give up our gender, we can change our sex. Does this mean that it is easier to change our sex than our gender? It would imply that it is easier to control nature than human society. Here comes a change of perspective.

Integration and disintegration, construction and deconstruction, and creation and destruction are the vital forces of nature, which are fundamentally overwhelming for humans. This explains why they have become the main directions of modern society, which is obsessed with change and arrogantly rejects anything worth preserving.

Mainstream discourse promotes fascination with death as a continuation of our childhood fascination with decay. But what if we were not fascinated by the death of decay, but by the process of decay?

And what if our biological differences have been and are being used against us? Moreover, how can one trust an author today when cultural, economic and political propaganda is breaking everyone apart?

The good thing about breaking apart is that you get to know your parts.

Basics: Can Male and Female Qualities Survive in Separation?

A man and/or woman in you will sometimes represent pure energy, yin or yang. Other times it embodies an archetype and wraps you in a veil of myth. You will recognize this energy when you find yourself on a hero’s journey, which every human being must go through to become an individual (Jung). In either case, the energy communicates with you. All the time.

Note: Regardless of sex and gender, each individual has a unique relationship between two basic forces of action (yang or male energy) and reception (yin or female energy). To get more yin, practice Tai Chi and Ci Kung. For yang yoga.

Psychologists say that we don’t want to die. Spiritual masters say that it is the women who fight death because they have an innate maternal instinct by which nature has ensured that babies survive. The pure feminine celebrates life and creation. And what you celebrate, you will also protect.

Everyone knows that the females of lions, tigers, and bears are most dangerous when they have their cubs with them. But did you know that in nature an animal or an independent tribe never lays down its young, but binds them to itself and carries them around until they are big enough to flee and hide to escape danger?

By the way, for anyone who needs to hear this now: Do not separate your babies from yourselves. Pick them up every time they ask for it. If you don’t, you will cause them considerable psychological problems which will affect the future society.

Learn more about the unintentional damage you can do to your child in this Aha! expert book: “Healing Developmental Trauma”, hidden behind the affiliate link:

One might note that we cannot speak of femininity without mentioning the role of education, just as we cannot speak of masculinity if we separate it from femininity. The sacred triangle. A man, a woman, and a child (or a tribe for that matter).

Deep in our hearts, we are service, protection, and experience-oriented. Jump into the present. Take the time to shout it out. Analyze now both rationally and intuitively.

See the lack of connection with our postmodern society, which is hysterically goal-oriented instead of maturely process-oriented. I thought the world would be so different when I grew up. I expected it to be strong, stable, and welcoming. But when I opened my eyes on my 39th birthday, which is also a new year and every impression carries more weight, I found that I was still in the playground where no one knows how to treat each other. What is wrong with people, Jerry?

Spiritual practitioners will say that our society and most people operate out of two first chakras: the ground chakra (how to survive) and the sexual chakra (how to attract). We have all been brought up not to be present at the moment and not to let things happen.

But anyone who has ever played or watched football knows that not every player plays in the same position and has the same motivation to be in the game. One could say that our patriarchal society is built on the masculine virtue of goal-getting but successful societies have more fundamental strategies. Our society is actually built on the exploitation and profanation of the above virtue.

Today I would revamp Nike and present the new logo that unites both polarities: “Move On”.

Teatro Borgolocco, Venice (IT) 2014. Photo by Tora Tkalec

Die Hard

Mentally, physically and spiritually, the male disposition is best suited to building, conquering, achieving, and realizing dreams. Men give themselves archetypally to a higher cause. And it is always the dreams of their beloved, be it the real or imaginary partner, the state, or God. So, it is natural for men to accept death and willingly expose themselves to life-threatening scenarios.

Women, on the other hand, unconsciously and genetically avoid danger. Spiritual masters use the same argument to explain why 97% of enlightened people are men (maybe because women are already enlightened) and why only men can experience sudden enlightenment as in Zen.

The woman’s enlightenment is always gradual and comes only after a lifetime of work when she has fulfilled her family duties. Whatever kind of family that may be. We live in a postmodern society, remember?

Nevertheless, spiritual principles are in charge of spiritual matters.

Men, on the other hand, have a traditional excuse joker card that they can always play. This comes as compensation for being at the permanent life disposal of the state. In this way, society ensures that its basic goals are achieved, namely by controlling birth and death rates.

It is perhaps needless to say that being a woman is an entirely different experience from being a man, but our failed social paradigm has lived by suppressing this fact and associating its profound consequences with social language rather than biological facts.

For the women’s chakras, it is better if they settle in one place and exert their influence from there. For male energy, the way of the wanderer is the best. The yoga system is completely focused on the male body. This is also true of Asian martial arts. But Tai Chi is designed to benefit both the male and female constitution.

Sexual Revolution

The yoga exercise system is meant to prepare you for long meditation sessions in the lotus position, which is very unnatural for the body if held for long, like any other posture. And you have to exercise your body to hold a posture in a mountain cave for months — as it was originally intended. This system also directs oxygen to each meridian or nadji in your body. Because spiritual opening only happens when there is enough oxygen in the body. For this reason, there are special breathing exercises that precede meditation.

However, the Chinese technique of Tai Chi works according to completely opposite principles to yoga and has a more feminine approach. Not because there is no strong masculine principle, but because there is an equal principle of femininity.

Every part of the body has a yin and a yang side, and each new movement in the form (choreography) responds to the previous one. Tai Chi masters say that man is neither an angel nor an animal, but a human being, and that (s)he should learn to move like a human being.

And Chinese medicine knows that the body becomes ill when the organs are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen. So, Tai Chi forms are designed so that the oxygen can cleanse your body’s meridians and balance your yin and yang energy.

Depending on your sex, you start a particular movement with the right yang hand or the left yin hand or the left yin foot, and so on. The direction in space also plays a big role, as north, east, south, and west have different energy potential.

In a nutshell, everything matters for the well-being of people and society.

Site-specific performance “Albert Camus: La Peste” by the author, Lido di Venezia (IT) 2014. Photo by Tora Tkalec.

Women Lead A Non-Violent Revolution

Given the dystopian state our society has reached, it seems that we are wanted either dead or completely different. Women refuse to die and change who they are. Maybe this time the revolution will come from women.

And as we speak, women around the world are protesting. In the US, they are defending their human right to decide for themselves whether to remain pregnant; in Afghanistan and Iran, they are refusing to wear clothes that cover their hair and their whole bodies; in India, women are leading the farm protests in the largest protest movement in India and perhaps the world.

Women in China are becoming more vocal on social media, despite government-imposed internet restrictions. South American women are fighting for the right to abortion and against femicide. French women have raised their voices against explicit and implicit sexual violence in society.

Everywhere, women are leading the way in protecting human rights, advocating for social change, and fighting through non-violent means.

Meanwhile, men everywhere are working to balance their masculinity and embrace their feminine side. Because they have begun to understand that they can never win in the rat race. Statistics have shown it. Men understand numbers. And now their collective consciousness has been jolted awake by the pain and struggle they face just because they are men.

Masculinity has realized that goals are not just about getting what you (or your ego) want, but about the process and perhaps getting what you need. “Life takes place while you are busy doing something else.” That is called the continuous process of goal manifestation. And that is the meaning of life.

As a result of this shift in perception and identity, new types of relationships emerge, requiring new means of communication and a new social language. Polyamory is by far the biggest milestone because it brings honesty to the relationship that was never considered before. What is the goal?

Well, spiritual masters say that androgyny is the goal and that at higher levels of consciousness the male and the female merge into one complete being. This does not mean that certain qualities are lost, but quite the opposite, that they are recognized and integrated.

In the same way, non-violent protests, peaceful negotiations, and mediations of all kinds are the next milestone for a stable and mature society.

Now is the time in history when we decide which way we want to go and how we want to go it — as angels who have no disagreements, as animals who can only fight with their physical strength, or as human beings who will master communication as the solution to all problems.

Still from the hybrid documentary film “The Freaquency” by the author

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Irena Curik
The Orange Journal

Creative writer, storyteller, screenwriter, satirist, and visionary who breaks the rules and establishes new ground. Experimental theater and film director.