The Yugen Effect

Have you felt it lately?

Maryann G.
The Orange Journal
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2022


A slender lady stands on the hill tops with hands in pocket and admires the hilly surrounding and the fresh air.
Photo by Mitchell Hartley on Unsplash

There is a scent often released when the first drops of rain hit dry earth. It is subtle yet powerful. Earthy yet pleasant. Some rightfully call it the smell of rain.

When rain interacts with bacteria in the soil, Geosmin is released in the air, which is what causes the smell. Humans are said to be extremely sensitive to it.

English has a name for the scent- Petrichor, but none for how it makes us feel. Japan to the rescue. YUGEN.

Most would say that taking a moment to soak in Petrichor brings them an immense sense of Yugen.

Dancing at the Poles.

There is a colorful display of lights that occurs around the North and South poles of Earth.

They dance around clumsily but spectacularly in all their glory as if aware we’re watching in awe.

As solar storms erupt on the sun’s surface, sometimes they aim charged particles at us.

When they do, the charged particles meet and interact with our very able guards, Earth’s magnetic field, and what would have otherwise caused us harm is turned into beautiful, colorful, dancing lights.

English has a name for them- Auroras, but none to adequately describe how they make us feel, especially when watching the spectacle for the first time.

Once again, Japan to the rescue. YUGEN.

Many would say that the sight of Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) kindles those yugen vibes in them.

Enormous Seas.

There is a vastness of seas and oceans that evokes conflicting feelings in us. In their presence, we feel so small and yet so uplifted and peaceful.

There is a depth to which they speak to us even in their calmness and their sight feels just as intimidating as it is empowering .

English has names for Seas and Oceans, but none to sufficiently describe how they make us feel. You guessed right. Japan to the rescue. YUGEN.

Very well. So what?

What I’m really driving at is one way or other, consciously or unconsciously, you must have had your yugen moment. And that’s a beautiful thing.

What is Yugen?

Yugen describes the feeling you get when you experience something so profound and uniquely beautiful that words cannot describe it. Something ineffable.

It zooms in on the kind of raw beauty that commands your attention and isn't so much what you see but rather how it makes you feel.

Something that gives you a wholeness and connection with nature that is beyond what can be said. A balance of mystery and depth.

According to Japanese literature, Yugen suggests “Beauty only partially perceived, fully felt but barely glimpsed by the viewer.” or “An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.”

A flower sprouts uniquely and noticeably above the calm and peaceful waters.
Photo by Carlos de Miguel on Unsplash

Some will simply call it the Subtle profundity, the beauty of the unseen or in Zeami Motokiyo’s words, the beauty of gentle gracefulness.

Have you experienced Yugen lately?

Have you really?

Here are some yugen examples given way back in the 15th century by Zeami Motokiyo, the Japanese asthetician.

“To watch the sun sink behind a flower clad hill. To wander on in a huge forest without thought of return. To stand upon the shore and gaze after a boat that disappears behind distant islands. To contemplate the flight of wild geese seen and lost among the clouds.”

Why is it important?

Because it’s one of those little things that costs nothing but can help ease up the weight of the burdens we so often carry and heal what’s broken in us.

They say nature delights, soothes and heals if we pay attention and allow it to. Maybe we should. Perhaps it’s on its shoulders that we really need to lean on for the healing, restoration and overall wellbeing we so seek.

Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this, please have a look at my most recent article touching on wellness.


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