Three Ways Astrology Can Enhance Your Emotional Wellbeing

Even if you don’t believe in it one slightest bit.


Cute drawings of stars in the universe.
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We’ve all probably, at least once in our lives, been asked about our star sign. Some of us will know it, but won’t know at all what it’s is supposed to mean. Then some of us might reply with their sun, moon, and rising sign (the category I fall into).

No matter which group you belong to, I believe that following astrological advice can be used as a great tool to improve your emotional wellbeing – whether you believe in it or not.

I am by far no certified astrologist. However, I know a few ground principles of the craft and would like to give a little taste of the aspects, that have helped me personally, to more emotional clarity and wellbeing.

Here it comes:

1) It Helps Us Self-Reflect and Accept Ourselves
2) It Helps Us Connect With Nature
3) It Helps Us Take Inventory of Our Lives

1) It Helps Us Self-Reflect and Accept Ourselves

Critics might say: “I can read anyone’s horoscope and still find myself in it.”

Great! If someone gives you a list of one hundred different characteristics and you find the thirty that apply best to you personally, you’ve just done some great reflection on yourself and your life.

I believe that’s one of the biggest reasons why people follow astrology. So they can understand and also accept themselves better.

Normally as humans, we want to fit in. And that can be exhausting! I would say this tendency is strongest in puberty but still goes on afterwards. I can say that in my mid-twenties, I still oftentimes struggle with the need to fit in. Feel free to share with me your experience on how that might change in your 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s!?

Ok but back to how astrology might be able to help you with that.

If for example, you are the kind of person who always starts crying in situations in which most other people don’t. It might make you feel big amounts of shame because no one else around you seems to be this emotional and also you can’t really seem to do anything about it.

Or as another example, you are the person that really needs a lot more alone time than anyone else in your life, but you have a hard time setting those boundaries with your loved ones. If everyone else is able to be social 24/7 what is wrong with you then?

Now imagine someone told you something along the lines of “You have a lot of Pisces in your chart, which is the reason why you feel emotions so strongly. It is who you are and it is your superpower.” or “You have lots of Aquarius ruling in your chart, that is the reason why you have such an independent spirit. It is who you are, it is your superpower.”

It is who you are, it is your superpower.

You will probably feel empowered to accept these qualities about yourself. You just got permission to cry if you need to and set boundaries if you want to.

No matter whether you believe that the alignment of the stars has any impact on us humans, accepting who you truly are and not what you are supposed to be in order to fit in, can enhance your quality of life immensely. So why not use astrology as a tool to do so?

2) It Helps Us Connect With Nature

Apparently, the daily transitions in the alignment of the stars, help us move through certain emotional states with more ease.

Without wanting or being able to go into the star signs in too much depth, I think it’s safe for me to say that all the signs are being categorized into 4 different categories to help you do so: The 4 elements of nature.

Four elements of nature. Water, fire, air, and earth.
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I often help clients visualize their initial emotional reactions as the ‘surface waves’ of an ocean.” (Psychology Today)

When there is a transition into a water sign happening, astrologists will most likely ask you to feel your feelings fully. Obviously, there are more layers to it, but in short, we will be asked to connect with the element of water and feel our feelings fully. You may take an Epson salt bath, dip into the sea, swim in a lake, or even just take a nice shower and let your emotions flow. Now, if we don’t happen to be the person described in example one earlier, we probably oftentimes haven’t learned to feel our emotions fully and instead distract ourselves with Netflix, Instagram, or even social events.

Whether or not this exact transit will help you to get into the depth of your emotions, why not use the hint given by astrology to give it a try? Most of us will benefit from a little cry under the shower sometimes.

And as a side note: Connecting with water has many proven health benefits for humans, so let’s make use of that, too!


“Grounding or earthing has proven to be a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth.” (Healthline)

According to astrology, a transition into an earth sign will help us, humans, to ground and stabilize ourselves. It asks us to go into nature and walk barefoot in the sand, hug a tree, or just lie on the ground.

Most of us can feel like we are in doing mode all the time and sometimes that can feel overwhelming. Especially if we are dealing with stress or anxiety establishing a grounding practice can help immensely, no matter whether we believe in astrology or not.


During air transitions, on the other hand, astrologists will often ask us to go with the wind and connect to our creativity. This can be in writing, singing, dancing, or whatever your way of expression looks like.

Now you may ask: Ok, Nora, but how will creativity contribute to my emotional well-being?

Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities will increase your happiness as well as improve your overall mental health.

So again, even if you don’t believe that the stars are having any impact on you it probably won’t hurt to engage in creative activities when an astrologist tells you now is a great time to do so.


Last but not least there are fire sign transitions. During fire sign transitions we will often be encouraged to act and let passion and motivation lead the way.

Sounds nice, right? Having someone in your life telling you to GET UP AND GO once in a while can be very useful in my opinion.

Also being told to create heat through movement might be a useful reminder when you’ve skipped running for the past thirty days…again.

3) It Helps Us Take Inventory of Our Lives

For the new moon and the full moon, we are being asked to take inventory of our lives.

Here you can see a full moon and a new moon.
Image created using Canva

According to astrologists, on the new moon, you set your intention for the month. You ask yourself: What inside my life is serving me and what do I want more of? The intention can be related to forming new habits, inviting new people into your life, or even making more money.

This practice makes you reflect on your current life and everything that is part of it. Also, it helps to make sure certain things in your life don’t become stagnant.

The full moon then will encourage you to release anything from your life that is not serving you any longer. You ask yourself: What do I need to let go of to live up to my highest potential? That can be leaving toxic relationships behind, a job that feels draining, or any bad habit that doesn’t serve your highest good.

Sounds good, right?

Getting a little reminder twice a month to look at my life, to ask what lights me up and what doesn’t, seems like a pretty good exercise to participate in.

Whether the stars have actually an influence on our ability to self-reflect, accept, connect to nature or take inventory of our lives, I can not tell you.

All I know is that Astrology can offer great impulses for establishing more emotional well-being, so why not benefit from that?

I also know that following astrological advice has never done me any harm, if anything it has always helped me grow.

Let me just state that there is a lot more to astrology than this article could cover. More good stuff but probably also some bad stuff. I do not want to encourage anyone to make big life decisions solely based on astrological advice. Take what feels good and leave what doesn’t.


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