Using the Law Of Attraction to Shift Your Mindset

The Law of Attraction can help you have a more positive mindset and improve your life

Nicole Dake
The Orange Journal
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2022


Screenshot from Instagram

You have probably seen memes like this circulating on Instagram for years.

For a while, I would see them and keep scrolling. A few months ago, I saw the movie “the Secret” on Netflix, which is loosely based on the ideas of the Law of Attraction.

Then, I asked myself if there might be something to it.

Yep, I am easily influenced by movies.

Around the same time, one of these Law of Attraction accounts contacted me on Instagram about downloading some meditation recordings. So, I decided to give it a try.

I figured, worst case scenario, I had been looking to get back into doing meditation and this would be a good opportunity.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical principle that says that what you think about, is what you attract into your life.

It is supposed to help you think more positively so that you can Manifest the life of your dreams.

The Law of Attraction website explains it like this:

If you’ve ever wondered…

