We are Both Human and Spirit

We are as much our shadows as our light

Nicole Dake
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2024


Photo by Tiago Fioreze on Unsplash

None of us is just one thing. We fulfill many different roles in our lives, we act differently in different situations. Since we are souls on a journey homeward, there are pieces of us that are ready to return to where we came from, and other parts of us that hold onto this human life in fear.

I had a quite insightful question this morning from Ted Czukor, asking how at times I can be centered in Spirit, and other times so lost in the world.

The answer, quite simply, is that my Spirit knows that it is part of the boundless Self of the universe, but my human self is still seeking the way. And, I have not yet fully reconciled these two sides of myself.

It is the human in us that fears, and Spirit that knows we will always be provided for.

Kahlil Gibran describes different faces of ourselves beautifully in his epic poem The Prophet:

Like the ocean is your god-self;
It remains for ever undefiled.
And like the ether it lifts but the winged.
Even like the sun is your god-self;
It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.
But your god-self dwells not alone in your being.
Much in you is still man, and much in you is not yet man,
But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the…

