What Does Writing Do for You?

An awakened passion

The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2022


Beautiful arrangement of hot air ballons in a crystal blue sky.
Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

How liberating it is to be able to write and share ideas with other writers. Until recently, writing seemed out of reach for me. Other writers are far more intelligent, experienced, and witty than me. Why even bother?

And then I realized one thing:

Who cares about where I stand among others? Especially as a beginner.

If I don’t publish another article for the rest of my days then so be it. I will still be proud of what I was able to do. This is when I finally understood what writing does for me.

It brings me peace.

Do I need to elaborate further? Not really but I have more to say.

Knowing yourself

Since I was a boy, I have been searching for an artistic outlet where I wouldn’t just observe, I would create. Basketball? No. Music? Maybe later but for now, no. Making click-baitey videos on YouTube? Not quite.

My love for reading and catchy wordplay originated from the countless amount of books and rap lyrics I would consume. Seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days would be spent in the local library. Anywhere I could read in peace would become a sanctuary and escape from everyday life.

From this background and my unsatiated hunger for more, a seed was planted. The seed is symbolic of my writing passion and as I am typing this, it has grown into its plant with roots, leaves, etc.

Watering your garden

The roots of my writing are based on many of my favorite writers. Hemingway, Frank Herbert, and Herman Hesse to name a few. I call upon their works to help me get through mine.

With each new page read or each new article written, I become a little bit better in my writing. Even if progress/success isn’t always linear, I still believe that my skills continue to sharpen.

Working on myself each day waters the fruits of my labor and it helps to take me away from the abundant stress and anxiety of the normal day-by-day monotony.

O’writing, awaken me!

As I begin to expand my work and try different forms of writing, one thing remains true: I love what I’m doing. How many people can say that? Maybe I’m still in the euphoria phase of doing something new.

Before I become my biggest critic, I have to be my biggest fan. Loving my work even if it’s flawed is essential to improving. Upon this foundation, I can leap to the higher heights of my ambition.

There’s no looking back. Off I go.


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The Orange Journal

A forever student of life. I write to share my experiences and passions with you.