When Things Do Not Make Sense

Hello Universe, do you see me?

Nandeenee S. Naiken
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2023


A rainbow doodle by the author.
Doodle by Author

Have you ever felt invisible? I had a conversation with someone some time back about situations which give you the sense that you are “just a number”. In a world where we grow up with the notion of finding one’s purpose, having that special something, and leaving one’s mark behind, it can be scary and debilitating to feel invisible and insignificant.

A Process, Not An Outcome

The pursuit of meaning is a dynamic one. It changes constantly depending on numerous internal and external factors — ask the scientist and the poet to explain sunset. We possess the urge to make sense of our world and our experience of it because it gives us a sense of control. We create meaning. Objectively, no such meaning exists.

“Meaning” is a process, not an outcome.

If I understand sunset — whether I am a scientist, a poet, or a child who knows neither science nor poetry — I am no longer “thinking” of sunset; I am simply experiencing sunset. I am experiencing its warmth and its hues. The moment I start explaining to you what sunset is, or the moment I start thinking about what sunset is, then I am making meaning of sunset. Meaning is a process, not an outcome.

If meaning is a process which depends on the interaction between at least two entities — a mind and something else — how about we agree that we are magicians able to fashion something out of nothingness?

Seeking Meaning In A Meaningless Universe

How do you make sense of being stuck in a dead-end job? How do you make peace with a lack of financial independence? Why do you yearn to nurse a child when you are unable to conceive? Why did you not receive an invitation to the party, when everyone else did? Why did a loved one decide to commit suicide when you were there, always?

When things do not appear to make sense, here are a few things which could help:

  1. It does not need to make sense to exist. Accept its existence and half of the battle is won.
    You yearn to nurse a child, whether you can conceive or not. You embrace the yearning instead of fighting it.
  2. If you are the architect of the meaning-making process, how about adopting new plans? Maybe it is not making sense because you are using the wrong framework.
    Could it be that you were not invited to the party because you never showed up for the ones before and gave the impression you were not keen on parties? What can you do differently?
  3. Our actions do not dictate the actions of others. However present you might be for a loved one, they might still decide to hurt themselves. Continue doing you through love and care. Our actions do influence others.
  4. Put a pin in it. If it does not make sense today, it might do so tomorrow. Today, focus on things which keep you grounded. Fresh perspectives abound when you give yourself time and space.

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Nandeenee S. Naiken
The Orange Journal

Psychologist who believes in the power of mindful interactions. Loves the written word, chocolate, coffee, and making sense of this life.