Why Do I NEVER Finish Anything?

From a Recovering Perfectionist

Dr Donna Blevins
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2024


The word TUIT is within a circle inside a gold gear over a purple background.
Created on Canva by author Donna Blevins

I drafted this three years ago, demonstrating that I need help getting around to it, and I am now publishing it.

I'm a Recovering Perfectionist, and my annual word for 2022 was FINISH. After failing to finish much, my word for 2023 became COMPLETE.

Geez! I'm done with waiting to finish and complete until it is better than good enough. I'm taking a new approach. When I'm inspired to do something, I will focus on it as long as it's doable in a short timeframe.

My 2024 word is PUBLISH, and I've been on Medium searching for "nudgers" — those who give me a virtual boot in the butt to get it out there.

When I came across Scot Butwell's article One Minute Writing Advice, we did a bit of bonding in the comment section. His article is worth the read, and one of his niches is about writing.

Scot asked me what my "biggest need or challenge in writing" was, and I responded in a way-too-long reply that deserved to be an article.

My writing handicap was starting many projects and leaving them unfinished. I'm shifting that thought by ending with the two magic words, until recently, that cancel what I just said.

I am choosing to find drafted articles and send them out for publication so that my Round TUIT is present and proactive.

The following is my reply to Scot in the comment thread when he asked me about my biggest writing challenge.

Finishing. Sometimes I feel that I have so much ALMOST done. Just stop waiting and go finish it, but then life gets in the way.

There’s that part of me that is secretly judgmental. Must be the Recovering Baptist lingering in me especially since my quest is to be in the judgment-free zone for my clients.

That was the trigger for sharing my Round TUIT with you, writing this article, and submitting it to The Orange Journal.

Thanks in advance to Susie Pinon, the publisher/editor of The Orange Journal, which is "a publication devoted to helping one another grow into the best version of ourselves."

Susie is a prolific writer who is a hybrid. She is both heart-centered and technically savvy. Her collections of articles are worth the read.

Personal Story

One of my favorite uncles, Johnny, was a U.S. Marine and retired as a Lt. Colonel. Despite his military hardcore attitude, he had an unexpected sense of humor and was skilled at carving wood.

In the '80s, Uncle Johnny sent me a carved wooden coin that would fit in the palm of my hand. The letters TUIT were carved into a circle. It was larger than a U.S. silver dollar if you know what that might be.

I was confused and wondered, "What did TUIT mean?"

That was a decade before the Internet and long before "OK Google" or "Siri" became our assistants.

Looking on Amazon (yeah, she's my research best friend!), I found a "50 Round Tuit" collection with a Square Tuit. It is currently unavailable, but they never got around to, well… you know.

Two round wooden coins. One has TUIT. The other has the motto about having your own Round TUIT and being able to get things done.
Image from "50 Round Tuit" on Amazon

The Square Tuit spoke the truth and made me chuckle. The square was laser-engraved with, "Some people never seem to get a Round Tuit!"

Four tan wooden squares. Two say “Square Tuit” and the other two say “Some People don’t ever seem to get a Round Tuit!”

You have permission to borrow my Round TUIT image at the beginning of this article. You can save it to your computer, post it on social, and use it to inspire you to stop trying to be perfect.

I am proud to have finished this article without putting it on the "do-it-later" shelf.

I thank Debbra Lupien, Voice of the Akashic Records, for being my go-to when I have doubts and second-guess myself.

What are you putting off?

Getting it out there messy is better than letting it continue to gather static dust on your computer or clogging up your creative mind.

I appreciate you taking the time to read, clap, follow, and comment. I will do the same for you in return.


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Dr Donna Blevins
The Orange Journal

As a 6-foot 5-inch tall powerhouse known as The Big Girl of Poker, I work with confident, successful professionals who are temporarily stuck.