Wind in My Sails

Why I need the audience

Anne Scherliess
The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2022


sunrise on sea
Photo by Vika Chartier on Unsplash

Why do you write? Do you have a certain reader in mind?

I do and the reader is me.

I write to untangle the chaos I find in my brain.

It is my Pensieve, to get the thoughts out of my head and put them in order.

Sometimes writing gives me answers, sometimes it doesn’t. But it always gives me a good feeling.

It would be a lie to say that I write for anybody than me.

That said, it is immensely rewarding to be read and appreciated for my writing.

It is very similar to acting.

I act because I love to slip into other stories to try out different lives, I act for myself not for the audience.

But it gives me extra wings to be watched while diving into my character’s skin.
When I feel that I pulled the viewers with me into the story, when they gasp and cry and hold their breath with me, that’s when we are merging together.

It’s the best feeling in the world.

So the audience and the reader are not my reason for writing or acting, but they are the wind in my sails.

They give me momentum and drive.

Thank you.


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Anne Scherliess
The Orange Journal

I am a professional actress, sister, daughter, girlfriend, booklover, dogmum, catmum and aspiring writer