Your Invisible Self

One’s spiritual self is immaterial and unseen — invisible


A very black sky with tiny dots that look like stars and across the top half are multicolored — purple to lavender, light yellow to yellow-green, and tiny streams of white — light streams that suggests movement in the blackness or spirituality.
Photo by Christoph Nolte on Unsplash

Spirituality — when we holistically consider that one’s soul or spiritual self is one of the universal, primary parts of the whole person, we can see the wisdom of focusing and attending to that aspect of human living.

The whole self is composed of five aspects with some overlap among them: physical, mental, social, spiritual, and community. (For elaboration on this see Holistic Health for the Whole Person | Medium.)

Although our experiences, insights, and understanding of a creative, universal life force (source unknown) is greatly limited by our language and culture that mostly does not include any focus or inclusion of the spiritual, that does not change the reality of each human having a spirit, soul, or spiritual aspect of self.

“Higher self” is what some prefer to call it. Regardless, our spirituality manifests as consciousness, conscience, and compassion. It is meaning/value led and is essential for gaining purpose in life — a sense of calling.

Spirituality also gives us a moral compass. It is the felt way of knowing through human experiences. Thus, we have a sense of right and wrong intuitively throughout our lives from childhood on.

The revealing of the spiritual life does require a marked degree of faith because it is not in the awareness of the casual, unfocused, unaware or unbelieving person.

By repeatedly using our spiritual awareness and insights we improve or heighten our spiritual senses and intuition, which develops our higher self.

We can enhance our spiritual intelligence and functioning with self-awareness, attending, and attuning to the spiritual aspect of self and life, despite being surrounded by materialism.

Spiritual intelligence includes curiosity, intuition, compassion, celebration of diversity, independent thinking, seeing the big picture, and resilience.

Spiritual compassion is best defined as a form of love. And when love sees suffering or conflicts and continues to be loving, that is compassion.

This is opposed to the approach of perceiving human differences as deficits. There one points the finger at others and advocates that they change to conform. The implication being they should be more like us.

No! Be compassionate — love your neighbor as much as yourself, just as they are.

#spiritualintelligence #holisticdevelopment #compassion #spirituality #theorangejournal


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Tim Bonner, MS, MA, D.Min., Psychotherapist
The Orange Journal

Coauthor of "From Distrust to Trust: Controversies /Conversations in Faith Communities." Speaker on leadership, holistic health, & trust-building communication.