Your tongue decides your success and failure!

Hazrath Ali (R.A) said, “The one who spoils his tongue spoils his life.”

The Orange Journal
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023


This is really a truth your tongue and the way you speak decide your fate and your future because people support those who speak sweetly and honestly.

He the great lion of Allah also said you must take care of your tongue the way you take care of your wealth.

Prophet Mohammed (saw) Said, “Most of your sins are because of your tongue.”

People make fun of each other laugh at others, play pranks, do backbiting and slander, and make two people fight, utter bad words, and say lies.

All these things are sins!

Allah does not like them.

Further Prophet Mohammed (Saw) also said if anyone takes care of his tongue and private parts, I will give that person a guarantee of paradise.

If we elaborate this hadith’s true meaning is if anyone saves himself from adultery, porn and keeps himself chaste, and does not harm others with his tongue then Allah will put such a person in paradise.

One of my favorite quotes of Hazrath Ali(R.A) which I sincerely follow in my day-to-day life is he once said “You try hard to become good and chaste like how you try harder to look beautiful.”

Seriously Young girls and young women and even men try so hard and spend so much money just to look good, what if we try that much harder every day to become good and chaste and a pious person in front of Allah to please him, that must be our goal.

I always repent daily that is my daily habit, if I happen to make even a tiny mistake or anything that Allah will not like or appreciate I repent in front of Allah and this habit has helped me to heal my depression.


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The Orange Journal

Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at