Being an entrepreneur is about how you can contribute to the world.

Celine Chen
The Orbit
4 min readOct 6, 2016


The first time I met Paul was when he was a guest speaker in one of the first classes I took at university. When my professor introduced Paul and listed all his accomplishments from completing marketing internships abroad to launching his own business, I remember thinking that this is exactly where I wanted to be at the end of my four years at university.

Flash forward 2 years later and I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk to him personally and really dig deep and ask him about his startup journey and how Tangoo came to be.


Paul Davidescu is the Co-founder of Tangoo and an alumni of Launch Academy. Tangoo recently went under its third evolution, although still true to its soul — connecting people through experiences. Tangoo offers premier marketing services for restaurants, from running social media to curating campaigns and contests. Their most notable service is influencer marketing, where they match clients and social media influencers to share the story behind a restaurant’s business. The Tangoo app is your pocket concierge to find the perfect restaurants for the occasion, whether that be for dates, socials or business lunch.

For young entrepreneurs, Tangoo’s story is one to read and learn from. Knowing when and how to pivot is a crucial decision when you realize that hey, maybe your current idea just isn’t sticking. It’s time to shift your talents and pursue a different route, whether that be rebranding your company to target the right market or changing the main purpose of your product or service. Read their insightful story here.

During our conversation Paul shared with me several stories. In university he completed a prestigious internship with Adidas in Germany and attained leadership roles within Sauder. His current endeavors with Tangoo included a newsworthy Dragon’s Den pitch. It was so inspiring to hear someone who started in my seat not too long ago come so far and be so accomplished. He is a joy to talk to, always full of energy and excitement; you can really see how his passion and dedication has taken Tangoo to where it is today.

1. Dive in. But go in with the expectation that it’s going to be really tough. There’s no glory in it at all.

Many entrepreneurs have shared with me similar advice to just go for it. I love how Paul follows up by giving us the real hard truth: the journey is going to be extremely difficult. Entrepreneurs can get too caught up in their passion and excitement that they set unachievable goals or tackle issues with an unrealistic perspective. When they suddenly realize that the life of an entrepreneur isn’t all sunshines and rainbows, it can be a hard hit to take when unprepared. It’s just a good reminder of the reality.

2. You have to be in it for the right reason.

You have to know yourself and determine whether the startup world is for you or not. Sure you have no boss and you can work in your PJs in the comfort of your own home. But this never-ending journey is full of uncertainty, failures, challenges, long hours and if lucky, the occasional success. It’s a rollercoaster ride. You have to be relentless and driven. You’re the fuel for this fire; no one’s going to push you but yourself.

3. Being an entrepreneur is about how you can contribute to the world.

This resonates with me because at the end of the day, the impact you’ve made will be the most rewarding. Personally, I get so happy and more motivated when I hear that I’ve helped someone. Imagine how many lives you can touch as an entrepreneur; it’s a whole new playing field that I want to compete on one day.

What innovative ideas and talents can you bring to the table? What problem can you solve? How can you improve people’s lives? For Paul, it’s the power of connecting people with experiences. What’s yours?

Hey I’m Celine, Content Creator for Launch Academy and a 3rd year marketing student at the Sauder School of Business of the University of British Columbia. Follow me as I share my conversations with local entrepreneurs.

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Celine Chen
The Orbit

Content Creator @ Launch Academy. I love trying new recipes, working on creative projects, and picking the brains of ambitious and inspiring people.