Christmas Is Warfare: Reflections On Christmas 2020

The Sword & Staff
The Sword & Staff
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2020


At Christmas, we declare to the world, that to us the Christ child has been born. And, during Christmas, we also declare war on the rulers and principalities and the cosmic darkness in high places.

Yes, Christmas is a declaration that the Son of God, the babe born in Bethlehem on Christmas, goes forth to war.

Christmas Is Warfare

The Pagan Kings of the first century understood this, and that’s exactly why they sought to kill Him (Matt. 2:16–18).

In our Christmas celebration, we declare that time no longer belongs to the Pagans. It belongs to Christ.

For centuries, the festival season of Yuletide was celebrated on the Winter Solstice and onward to the New Year (which my ancestors celebrated). However, in Christ, Yuletide has become a casualty to His conquest and has been resurrected as Christmastide. It’s burning yule log in the hearth no longer gives light. Christ, the light of the world does. Thor and his goats are no longer the objects of feasts. Christ as the bread of life born in Bethlehem, the House of Bread is.

The principalities and rulers have been dethroned.

And, in our Christmas celebration, we also declare that the same thing that has happened to these rulers and principalities will happen to those still at work today who are still in rebellion against Christ the King.

Though the enemies of Christ try to subvert history by removing Him as it’s the fulcrum and by centering time around their idols (Secular holy days such as Pride Month, Secular Justice celebrations dedicated to its saints, etc.) they too will be assigned to the dustbin of history and will be made a footstool for His feet.

Concluding Thoughts

Christmas is warfare. Your time may not come today, tomorrow, or next year. But, make no mistake, it will come as Christ’s redemptive story progresses and permeates history. In His death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins, He has been enthroned as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Submit to Him in allegiance, for His Kingdom is like leaven, leavening the entire lump. Come along quietly.

Merry Christmas!

