How The Demonic Works: A Christian Reflection

The Sword & Staff
The Sword & Staff
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2020


If Evil is anything, its intelligent. It’s patient, cunning, sinister, and deceptive. The fall into ruin is gradual more often than not.

The Demonic rarely comes at you with snarling teeth and claws but masked and cloaked in the most seemingly innocent forms. The Bible is true when it says Satan masquerades as an angel of light. It’s all about gaining your trust, weakening the will, and getting your guard down. This can be done so slightly over such a long period of time that when the process is complete many don’t even realize whats happened. That’s what makes me sick about people in the paranormal field challenging the demonic and provoking and calling out foolishly into the void. They have no clue the primal forces they are dealing with. Beings that have the wisdom of the ages, immense knowledge of the unseen realm. Terrors that and forms most aren’t even capable of comprehending.

After 14 years in the field, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that our only hope against such things is the True and Conquering King of Kings. Without God, the shed blood victory of Christ applied to your life, without the in-dwelling if The Holy Spirit, we are left to be puppets of the darkness to be worked and manipulated and savaged by the eternal decay of the fall, sin. Also, know this. The demonic operate in stages.

The Stages of Demonic Phenomena

Infestation is the basic haunting phenomena. Disembodied voices, movement of objects, apparitions, shadows, etc. These are manifestations that trigger an intoxicating fear response.

An energetic outpouring that the darkness feeds off of and in turn grows and is fueled to manifest in a greater fashion. These phenomena usually target the perceived weakest members of society. People with a dark history and a troubled life. Like most things in life, evil tends to flow down the path of least resistance. The demonic manifest to weaken the willpower and mental fortitude of the individual and this is known as Demonic Oppression. This can be an onslaught of spiritual attacks or a gradual chipping away at the walls that can be a life long bombardment that catches many off guard until the walls one day just come tumbling down.

The third stage and ultimate goal of the demonic is ruin and death in the form of Possession. Forget most of what Hollywood has fed you with visions of vomiting pea soup and spinning heads, Demonic Possession is much more sinister! Think of the body like a computer and the soul and operating system. The Demonic act as a cosmic virus that invades, cuts off all communications, and begins the process of causing as much harm as it can get away with.

Signs of possession can vary in a case by case manner but more often than not things like Social Withdrawal, Apathy, Convulsions, Knowledge of The Unknowable, Increased Physical Strength, Outbursts of Rage, Psychokinesis, The sudden ability to speak a language not previously known to the possessed (a mocking of the true gift of the tongue), etc. The list goes on and on with intensity and variety different with each case with a common goal in each, ruin, death, destruction.

Inversion and Mockery are also a pattern to watch. Demons do things to mock the Divine Cosmic Order, They speak in a false utterance of tongues, offer vague half-truth predictions in an attempt to look omniscient, scratch and mark in threes to mock The Holy Trinity, most active at 3 am, the anti-hour, to mock the churches belief of 3 pm, the miracle hour believed to be the hour of Christ's death. The Fallen are anti-God and opposed to everything that honors, glorifies, and holds true to his name. The Goal of the fallen is to undo creation and warp, obscure, and manipulate what is into a fallen state in their own image.


Ed Warren said is best when he said “A skeptical public is the best defense the devil ever had”. He is absolutely spot on. A thief or robber doesn’t turn on the lights, announce himself, and make a big fuss when you are being robbed, he would prefer you to believe he isn’t there. So too it is with The Original Cosmic Thief, The Father of Lies himself. Non-belief won't protect you from the flaming darts and snares of the enemy, without God, Christ alive in us, truly we are little more than left to the wolves for slaughter.

