Joe Biden Is President. Where Do Traditional Christians Go From Here?

The Sword & Staff
The Sword & Staff
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2021

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Yesterday, President-Elect Joe Biden received the vote certification from Congress that was needed for capturing the presidency. President Donald Trump also came out with a statement saying that he is now focused on a peaceful transition of power.

It is now all but inevitable that all of us in the United States of America are fixing to live in a Biden-Era presidency. As much as I am not a fan of the incoming president, I will not complain, because that is weak. Rather, I will do as the Scriptures teach, and I will pray for him and submit myself to the sovereign will of the Lord, even if I don’t like it, and I advise you to do the same as well.

I wish Biden’s reign had never come to us. I wish none of this had happened. But, so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

So then, the question we must ask now is what should we, Christians of the traditional, conservative persuasion, do with the time that has been given?

Local Strategies

Pray. Don’t be soft, effeminate, and waste your time whining. Get up. Re-tool. Get back after it. Learn to become antifragile and how to thrive in chaos.

In terms of our relations with governing authorities, where governing authorities act within their God-ordained roles, we joyfully submit (Rom. 13:1–7). Where governing authorities act outside of their God-ordained roles, we count it all joy and resist peacefully obeying God rather than men (Ex. 1:15–21; Dan. 6:1–9; Acts 5:29).

Invest your life in building Traditional Christian strongholds in Conservative states that protect the freedom to do so.

West Virginia is a great choice — Every county was red in the election. We also had a red wave at the state and local levels as well. Oklahoma is also a great choice — Every county was red there as well. Kentucky and Idaho are also solid choices as well — Both only had two and three counties that were blue in the election.

Find people in these states who are already doing the work, move there, commit your life to the work. Make sure that where you’re moving is worthwhile and winnable.

If you can’t find something, take responsibility and bear the burden of starting something new.

Plant churches that worship and live according to the Traditional Christian faith.

Disciple men. Train them to love and serve their families, to be virtuous, and to be oriented towards goodness, truth, and beauty. Disciple women. Train them to love and serve their families, to be virtuous, and to be oriented towards goodness, truth, and beauty.

Train men to be pastors in the local church by creating pastoral centers, institutes, schools, (or whatever you want to call it) instead of sending them off to liberal seminaries.

Create networks of like-minded churches or join pre-existing ones that can serve as pockets of light in the darkness and pockets of resistance when and if the battle comes.

Have large families, catechize them in the Traditional Christian faith. You’re raising and training the next generation of men and women who will become voters. Homeschool and build Co-ops for your church kids that teach the Traditional Christian faith and worldview.

Share the Traditional Christian faith with your neighbors.

Support and encourage those in your congregation who have a passion to be engaged in politics at the county, state, and national levels. We need those who will fight for the freedoms needed to continue maintaining these strongholds.

Find avenues to serve your community by starting local businesses. Put roots down. Start taking up space and making your town lovely so that others who are like-minded will be drawn to it and will fight for it.

Start gardens, make things, etc. Become as self-sufficient as possible.

Online and Media Strategies

Create other avenues to distribute content that’s resistant to censorship. Of course be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc. Don’t retreat to the ghettos of social media. But, wisely use alternative platforms that are more censorship-resistant to “backup” all of your content.

Some of those platforms are Parler, Minds, MeWe, Gab, and others.

Create Discord servers and Telegram groups where ideas, conversation, and content can be freely shared in a secure way.

Build analog, physical libraries in the church and in your homes that are resistant to censorship and being canceled — this will aid in training men in the church and training your families.

“Backup” sermons, podcasts, and content on hard drives. Make copies. Distribute.


Now, I’m sure that what I’ve said here will upset some who follow me. I’m sure that I will be accused of idolatry and Trumpism and all the like. That’s fine. I’m not here to win a seat at the cool table. But let me just tell you, if that’s how you feel, it’s not me who’s outside of the Christians Tradition — It’s you.

Love for where you live and wanting to seek its welfare is as old as the Scriptures themselves. The Early Church Fathers and Medieval Doctors such as Thomas Aquinas said that Patriotism and love for country is actually a virtue, saying — “Man is a debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so it belongs to piety, in the second place, to show reverence to one’s parents and one’s country.”

Even C.S. Lewis said, “love for one’s country means chiefly love for people who have a good deal in common with oneself (language, clothes, institutions) and in that is very like love of one’s family or school. . . With this love for the place, there goes a love for the way of life; for beverage and tea and open fires, trains with compartments in them and an unarmed police force and all the rest of it; for the local dialect and for our native language.”

So, with that in mind, let’s joyfully seek the welfare of where God has placed us or is going to place us. Let's build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for our sons, and give our daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters. For, in seeking the welfare of where God has placed us, we will find our welfare as well.

