The King Draws Near: The Symbolism Of The 2020 Winter Solstice

The Sword & Staff
The Sword & Staff
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2020


On December 21, 2020, this year's Winter Solistice, a rare astronomical event will occur. Jupiter and Saturn will be so close that you will be able to fit them both in the same telescopic field of view. In this event, the two planets will come so close in the telescopic field of view, they will form a “Christmas Star” during the Solstice. Eric Betz at writes, “The last time Jupiter and Saturn were this close together away from the Sun was in 1226 A.D., at a time when Genghis Khan was conquering large swaths of Asia, and Europe was still generations away from the Renaissance.”

While many like Betz are commenting on the rareness of the event, others see this event as something more than just a rare event. Some are calling it a harbinger. The coming of the New Age called the Age of Aquarius.

Commenting on this, one Occultic writer has said:

The Age of Aquarius is the name for the approximately 2,000 year astrological cycle that starts a new age on earth. It’s an era of brotherly love, humanitarianism, ideals, peace, visionary spirituality, technology, and science. . . The Age of Aquarius marks the end of the Age of Pisces, which was heavily characterized by Christianity–coincidentally, both Pisces and Christianity use the symbol of a fish. The positive aspects of Pisces are love, compassion, spirituality, and enlightenment. At its worst, Pisces can be escapist, addicted, too dreamy, judgemental, and focused on dogmatic spiritual ideals at the cost of everything else, even human lives.

Now, the question at this point is what should Christians think of this event? Should we see it as simply a rare once in a lifetime event? Or, does it actually have some sort of spiritual significance and meaning as some are claiming?

I think the answer is yes.

This event is a once in a lifetime event. But, as a Christian who holds to the traditional Christian view of the cosmos, I do also believe that it does have spiritual significance and meaning. Just, not the significance and meaning that the Occultists think it does.

Let me explain.

The Difference Between Oneists and Twoists

As Christians, we are not Materialists. This is a sentiment we share with those (at least that I have engaged with) who are Occultists. Christians and Occultists both have a view of the cosmos that is full of meaning and significance. And, the reason why is Occultists and Christians are both supernaturalists.

However, the difference between us occurs in how significance and meaning get assigned to the cosmos.

In the Occultic view, significance, and meaning are assigned by the creation. Occultists are Oneists, believing that there is no distinction between creation and Creator. Because of this, the creation acts as Creator assigning meaning to the creation. In this view, all is one (I could flush this out in much more detail, however, that is beyond the scope of this article).

In the Christian view, significance, and meaning are assigned by the Creator. Christians are Twoists, believing that there is a distinction between creation and Creator. Because of this, the Creator assigns meaning to the creation. In this view, all is not one. Rather, there is a binary.

The Metaphysics of The Cosmos

Now, because I am a Christian and a supernaturalist, I do believe there is significance to this event. And, the reason why is because of the way I understand metaphysics and the nature of reality.

The Apostle Paul speaks to this in Colossians 1:16–17, saying:

16 For in Him [Christ] all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together

Now, here’s how that informs metaphysics:

Jesus Christ is the creator of all things. He has created all things; things in heaven and on earth. And, because He has created them and they participate in His life, all things (to quote Rod Dreher) “are charged” with spiritual meaning and force. To put it in other words, the cosmos are sacramental. And, because of that, the heavens have great significance and meaning. It is impossible to participate in the life of Christ and not have significance and meaning.

I’m not alone in this. This is the way the Christians have traditionally understood the cosmos and reality. In fact, this is even how some modern Christians like J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis understood the world as well.

The King Draws Near

So then, since the cosmos participate in the life of Christ, and are charged with spiritual meaning and force that He himself has impressed upon them, what then does this event occurring on the 2020 Winter Solstice mean?

Well, contrary to the Occultists, from a traditional Christian understanding, this event is not the hailing of the Age of Aquarius. It is not a picture of the presence of our King waning.

Rather, in the traditional Christian understanding of these things, this event is actually a picture of the presence of our King drawing waxing and drawing nearer.

How does that work?

Well, in the traditional Christian view of the cosmos, Saturn was known as Infortuna Major to pre-Copernican astronomers. He was the worst planet, the one whose influence could most easily go bad. It was liable to cause sickness, old age, ugliness, disaster, melancholy, and death.

However, Jupiter was known as Fortuna Major to pre-Copernican astronomers. He was the best planet, the sovereign of the seven heavens. His kingliness was that of a king at peace, at leisure, enthroned, serene. The Jovial influence made people cheerful and festive, yet tranquil and magnanimous. Jupiter was thought to be a temperate planet, positioned as he was between the hotness of Mars and the coldness of Saturn. He brought about halcyon days and prosperity.

These two planets coming close in the Winter Solstice couldn’t be more loaded with spiritual meaning from a Christian perspective.

At the end of a long year of sickness, death, disaster, and melancholy, the heavens are quite literally declaring to anyone willing to look through the old discarded lens of traditional Christian cosmology that the King still sits enthroned and draws near to His creation.

This is glorious. What a reminder!


In conclusion, I want to close simply by saying this.

As the 2020 Christmas Star adorns the heavens and proclaims the glory of the Lord just days from now, may it remind us of the first Christmas Star that adorned the heavens 2,000 years ago.

May it remind us of the Gospel, by reminding us that the King drew through by through the conception of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to hell. That the third day he rose again from the dead. And, that He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.

And, may it remind us that the King will draw near again one day. And, from the right hand of God the Father almighty, he will come to judge the living and the dead. Amen.

