Cirkeline Ask Rises to Director of Community đź’™ | The Org

Cirkeline Ask
The Org
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2022

Team announcement

“Cirkeline is involved in bringing everyone to the table. She puts the company first and lives and breathes The Org,” Maria mentions when she talks about Cirkeline’s passion for community here.

The Org celebrates Cirkeline Ask being promoted to Director of Community, Copenhagen.

Her journey at The Org starts in November 2020, initially reporting to Andreas as a community manager and later becoming the inaugural member of the People & Culture team.

Today, P&C is 5 strong and soon to be 6 with Line Andersen joining on Monday.

“ With different teams at The Org growing, the need to attract and retain talent has been stronger and now even with the external community, the things Cirkeline needs to do are centered around great talent,” Maria mentions. “Cirkeline has taken over the office management, internal and external social side of the community in Copenhagen while being an invaluable People Team liaison for that office.”

Our Copenhagen team has grown so fast that the office on Kanal reached capacity. The team is relocating to a bigger space later this year. Cirkeline has led the real estate search, prioritizing its location in central Copenhagen, while collaborating with legal to get all the work done for a new Copenhagen home for The Org.

“ She operates autonomously with impromptu social events or planned holiday parties — setting up breakfasts, coffee tastings, and birthday cakes. TechBBQ is a large event in the Danish startup scene where Christian got to speak last year and one of our board members also spoke. It was great for us to get some presence out of this. She’s taken over our employer branding and has helped us communicate who The Org is to the world.”

When asked what fulfills Cirkeline the most about her role and she shared that it’s “ working with these crazy, inspiring people.” She accredits her growth at The Org to bringing her full self to work and trying to live The Org values to the best of her abilities.

Huge congratulations on the promotion, Cirkeline!!!! We love you! đź’™

Originally published at on March 11, 2022.



Cirkeline Ask
The Org
Writer for

Community Manager @ The Org