Salary Ranges at The Org | The Org

Nate Silver
The Org
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2022

The Org is on a mission to make organizations more transparent. We believe that transparency will lead to a more connected and egalitarian professional community. There are many aspects to organizational transparency but being more transparent about salaries at our organization is one way that we feel we can do better at operating openly and transparently.

Salary transparency can be confronting. It forces us to face the reality of what we earn compared to our coworkers, and why. Still, we believe that by being open about salaries, it holds us accountable as a company to ensure people are being paid fairly and without bias, across the board. This is something that is extremely important to us.

We also believe that salary transparency will help us attract the right talent, and will lead to a more efficient hiring process. It will keep us accountable, and that our team members will reward us by sticking with us on our growth journey, as they will understand their current compensation better, and what the potential for growth is.

Some background

As we started thinking about salary transparency, we were inspired by companies like Buffer and Doorvest, who have practiced salary transparency for years. We wanted to adopt a system that allows us to remain flexible while giving more transparency to what people make in different professions and geographies. We believe that salary ranges are the best system for us given our current stage and size.

Cost of living varies drastically between geographies. New York City is one of the world’s most expensive cities to live in so employees based here have a higher salary than similar employees in Copenhagen. Technical talent is higher compensated than non-technical talent due to supply and demand dynamics in the market. When the supply is low and the demand is high, the price goes up. That left us with the following ranges:

  • Technical (New York)
  • Non-technical (New York)
  • Technical (Copenhagen)
  • Non-technical (Copenhagen)

Generally, technical employees are most likely to be hired in engineering positions, however there may be cases where technical employees are hired in non-engineering roles.

Determining factors

Individual salaries fall on different parts of the ranges depending on their level, profession, impact, and equity grants. Ranges give us the structure needed to make fair and equitable salary decisions, while still allowing for the necessary discretion to determine where on the range someone falls. We use the following factors to determine individual salaries:

Level: We have seven levels that represent different levels of seniority in the organization, with increasing levels of responsibility. The higher you move up the organization, the more responsibility you have, and the higher you are compensated.

Profession: Certain professions are compensated higher in the market based on in-demand skill sets and level of education. When the demand for certain talent is high and the supply is low, then the salary increases.

Impact: We value impact on the success of the company over years of professional experience. The performance of the individual employee and their impact on the success of the company is a major factor in determining salary.

Equity: All full time employees are given option grants, as we believe in aligning us all towards long term success, and sharing that success with the whole team. Some team members opt for more options in exchange for a lower salary.

Salary ranges

Click below to see the current salary ranges at The Org. These will be updated as we grow. As with everything there can be exceptions to the rules, but the ranges will apply to the vast majority of our team members.

Salary ranges at The Org

Want to join us in our mission to make organizations more transparent? Check out our open jobs here!

Originally published at on January 10, 2022.

