Peru Bans GMOs Until 2036 to Protect Food Sovereignty and Agricultural Heritage | Organic Updates

The Organic Guy
Organic Updates
1 min readJul 9, 2024


On June 17, 2024, Wilson Soto Palacios, President of the Consumer Defense Commission in Peru, signed a landmark bill that bans genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the country until 2036.

Soto Palacios hailed the decision as a significant step in protecting food sovereignty and maintaining the independence of regulatory bodies. “It was a wise decision,” he said, “Congress protected food sovereignty and the independence of regulatory bodies.”

The National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA) has showcased its capability to develop and supply improved, certified seeds without relying on transgenic technologies. This initiative supports farmers in enhancing productivity sustainably, free from the risks associated with living-modified organisms (LMOs).

The INIA’s efforts reinforce the country’s commitment to sustainable agriculture while ensuring that farmers have access to high-quality seeds that do not compromise environmental or health standards.

Peru’s recognition as a hub of megadiversity, home to vital crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, and quinoa, underscores the importance of this ban. This natural wealth not only represents an invaluable heritage but also offers a competitive edge in the global agro-export market, where organic and GMO-free products are increasingly sought after.


