Before and after of a startup story

Alex Barrera
The Organizational Storyteller
2 min readMar 8, 2012

As we said before, here are some amazing examples that came out of the PR and communication workshop we gave in London a couple of weeks ago. Many thanks to Danny Currie from Gavurin, one of the startups that attended the workshop and shared with us both pieces, the original press release and the story they wrote at the end. Which one do you like the most? ;)

Original Press Release (Before)

Gavurin develops smart ways for people to get insight from the information that matters to them. Whether this is information about your business, your charity or just the place you live, Gavurin G-View allows you to explore that information and find the answers you need. Using G-View’s interactive charts, maps, tables and text, you can build a picture of your information world and start working, planning and growing — smarter.

Final story (After)

Jo, a fundraising manager at a regional Cancer charity facing reduced government spending and shrinking donations, has had her budget cut. She cannot afford to cover her usual area in her campaigns for this year. G-View’s interactive maps, charts and tables enable her to get a picture of her charity’s information, instantly revealing to her the location of all of her previous donors who have not donated for 12 months or more. Armed with this information, Jo can focus her efforts to those areas in which she has a fighting chance of raising the life-saving amounts she needs.

Whether it is through planning campaigns like this, quickly and easily producing research for lobbying activities or making higher level strategic decisions, Gavurin G-View can support Jo’s work and give her the clarity and confidence she needs to drive her charity in the right direction.

I must confess that reading both again bring tears of joy to my eyes! Wish all press releases where like this! Thanks again Danny! Remember, if you’re interested in hosting the workshop, please do drop me a line (alex AT press42 DOT com) (or @abarrera) and we can take it from there.



Alex Barrera
The Organizational Storyteller

Chief Editor at The Aleph Report (@thealeph_report), CEO at, Cofounder & associated editor @tech_eu, former editor @KernelMag.