Heading to TNW Conference

Alex Barrera
The Organizational Storyteller
2 min readApr 23, 2013

For all the traveling I did this year, 2013 has been pretty quite for me. I needed my rest and I’ve enjoyed staying home for more than one week straight. Like many of my colleagues all over the world, conference fatigue symptoms have been appearing left and right. Now, I’ve decided to make an exception this year with TNW Conference. I’ve been hearing so many good things about it that it was about time I headed there and saw it with my own eyes.

I’m not surprise that the conference has sold out. The TNW team, spearheaded by Patrick and Boris have been doing an amazing job over the past years. I have very good friends within TNW and I’ve seen them raise to the top of the top, both with their publication and with their conference. It’s not the first time I’ve had someone asked me lately if I had noticed that TNW was cranking amazing stuff on their site. I’ve noticed. I concurre. It’s become my de-facto tech blog and I confess I keep going back to it every week.

So, it’s about time I get my ass to Amsterdam, which I haven’t been in for a long time to see all that’s going on there. Apart from TNW being there, they have StartupBootcamp, Rockstart (hello James!) and the amazing Appsterdam community. It’s not an accident that all these things are happening in the same city. Maybe it’s time that we start marking Amsterdam as one of the most active start-up communities in Europe.

To be honest, during the past week I’ve received more party invites (thanks David) than in the past year combined. It brings good memories of the good old days of SXSWi. So, I’m looking forward to meet many new people and reacquittance with friends I haven’t seen in quite some time. Will be dress in Orange and have my hat with me, so ping me if you’re around.

See you in Amsterdam!!

Image: http://500px.com/photo/229172



Alex Barrera
The Organizational Storyteller

Chief Editor at The Aleph Report (@thealeph_report), CEO at Press42.com, Cofounder & associated editor @tech_eu, former editor @KernelMag.